November List of the Dead Envelopes:

November List of the Dead Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church. Please take one home with you, enclose your family dead list and return to the Post Box, Sacristy or Parish Office.

‘It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to pray for the Dead’.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Every Sunday of Advent, 2pm to 5pm


Each Monday 9.30am to 12pm.

Thursday 7am to 10pm.

Friday 9.30am to 12pm.

All Welcome.

Planned Giving Envelopes 2022

Envelopes are being distributed in the Day Chapel after all Masses this weekend Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th November.

Please adhere to Covid Guidelines and promptly pick up your box of envelopes.

Many thanks for your continued support.


We would like to thank you for the most generous contribution of €972 to the Annual Collection. It is with your help and support that we continue to reach out to the needy in the diocese.

St Vincent de Paul

There will be no collection this weekend. The Annual Appeal will be on the weekend of 11th and 12th of December

Parish Bulletin Notices

These can be viewed on the Parish Website or in the front entrance of the church


We ask you to be mindful that no basket collections currently take place during Mass.

Instead, please be sure to place your donations into one of the boxes as you exit the Church.

Thank you for your ongoing support towards these collections.

Thank You also to all the families who continue to drop in their Family Offering Envelopes towards the upkeep of our Parish.