Our warmest congratulations on your decision to get married, which is one of the most important decisions of your whole life. During this very special time in your relationship, when you are thinking of spending the rest of your lives together, arrangements for “the big day” can overtake the emotional factor of the huge decision you have just made.
However your first port of call (after telling your family of course!) should be the priests of the parish who will be delighted to guide you through the arrangements for this special time. Marriage is celebrated by arrangement with any of the priests of the parish.
Preliminary Notice:
Six months notice is preferable with a minimum notice of three months. If you would like to book the Church for your wedding you can email or telephone the parish to a make preliminary inquiry. Church weddings can take place on any day other than Sundays and major feast days apart from 1st November All Saints Day, 8th December Immaculate Conception and obviously 25th December Christmas Day.
Upon booking you will be advised of the following:
- Church Fees. The fee covers all related costs and should be paid in advance of the wedding. A suggested time is when the pre-nuptial enquiry forms are complete, i.e. three months before the wedding.
- Pre-Marriage Course. It is highly recommended that couples would attend a Pre-Marriage seminar. Details and dates of these courses may be had by logging on to Accord or by telephone to (053) 912 3086.
- Papers. Please note that both parties need to complete a pre-nuptial enquiry form. This form is typically completed with the Celebrant of the wedding or the Parish Priest or Curate of the Party’s home parish not later than three months before the wedding date. For this process you will need to present a recent copy (6 Months) of your Baptismal and Confirmation certificates. Where necessary you may be requested to supply a Letter of Freedom.
- Marriage Registration Form . No marriage can take place in the Church unless the couple first present their ‘Marriage Registration Form (MRF) from the State Registrar.
- Assistance. The parish staff will help you in any way possible.
- Celebrant. A Celebrant will be allocated to conduct your wedding ceremony. Please contact him early to arrange an appointment for the completion of the pre-nuptial enquiry forms and to discuss any questions that you might have. If you have any queries you may also contact the parish office on our telephone number or email.
- This is a very special time for both of you and we hope that your wedding will be a meaningful and memorable experience for you.
For more information on Church requirements and help with preparing for marriage visit the “Getting Married” and Accord websites. For information on civil requirements visit the General Register Office
Husbands should say to their wives: I have taken you in my arms and I love you, and I prefer you to my life itself. For the present life is nothing, and my most ardent dream is to spend it with you in such a way that we may be assured of not being separated in the life reserved for us. . . . I place your love above all things, and nothing would be more bitter or painful to me than to be of a different mind than you’.
St. John Chrysostom