
St Maur's Parish Rush

Celebrating the sacraments is at the core of our parish life. Our big moments in life are marked in a solemn way from womb to tomb.

On this page we will provide all the details for the celebration of the sacraments and there is a link to more information on each sacrament.


Baptisms take place on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Four to six weeks notice is required. To book a baptism please call into the parish office to complete the necessary form.  More information our Baptismal Services


Your child is about to take another step in their faith journey, as they prepare for First Holy Communion. And we all have a part to play. More information on our First Holy Communication preparations


Confessions take place on on Saturdays after the 10 a.m. Mass and at other times on request.


More information on the Confirmation programme.


We would be delighted to host your wedding in St Maur’s Church.

Holy Orders

The ongoing life of the church depends on vocations to the priesthood.  Talk to any of the priests to get more information. The Diocesan website may also have useful information about Vocations in our diocese.

Anointing of the Sick

We are anxious to visit those who cannot celebrate Mass with us because of illness, handicap or age. Arrangements to receive the sacraments at home can be made by calling the parish office. Kindly notify us of any parishioners who are housebound or hospitalised so they can be visited.

House Visitation / Blessing

If you would like the priest to visit or bless your home, please contact the Parish Office on 8954248.

Funeral Information

The Church encourages you to be as fully involved as you can in planning your loved one’s funeral liturgy. It is the final journey of your loved one.

First Holy Communion Timetable 2022

School Date Time
St. Catherine’s 07.05.22 10:00 a.m.
St. Brendan’s 14.05.22 10:00 a.m.
Gaelscoil Ros Eo 14.05.22 1:00 p.m.
Rush N.S. 28.05.22 10:00 a.m.

Confirmation Timetable 2022

School Date Time
St. Catherine’s & St. Brendan’s 01.04.22 St. Catherine’s 10:00 a.m. & St. Brendan’s 12:00 p.m.
Rush N.S. 02.04.22 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m.
Gaelscoil Ros Eo 29.04.22 12:30 p.m.