
Canon Law (Canon 537) states ‘In each Parish there is to be a Finance Committee to help the Parish Priest in the Man hold orange pen is plannng finance account with calculator.administration of the goods of the Parish’.

Every year the Committee prepare a Financial Statement which is presented to all parishioners on a designated Sunday.


Church Income

The Finance and Administration Committee thank all who contribute to Church Funds.

First Collection:  (Common Fund) (Blue Pouch) – This supports priests currently serving in the diocese as well as those who are retired or sick.

Second Collection: (Share Collection) (Red Pouch) – This collection is used to refurbish parish churches, build parish pastoral center’s and fund the diocesan administration of central services.

Christmas, Easter & Harvest Dues: Income of the priests of the diocese.

Special collections: Accord, Peter’s Pence, Catholic Youth Care & Crosscare

Envelopes – Planned Giving:  This collection is the main source of income for your parish church.

Shrines:  Contributions to shrines pay for the heating, insurance & electricity of the church

Donations: (Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms, Certs etc.) & Inheritances


Standing Orders / Direct Debits

Where possible, please sign up to a DD. A contribution of €6 per week, (24euro per month) goes a long way to help maintaining our church.

Simply fill out the form at the Parish Offfice and tell us what breakdown between Weekly envelope and Offering days you would like. You can pay monthly, quarterly, half – yearly,or even yearly. We will credit your contributions to our Account Books from the Church Bank Statement.

Download our Standing order form


PAYE Charity Reclaim

The Church as a designated Eligible Charity under Section 45 of the Finance Act 2001 can reclaim a percentage of your PAYE, if you pay PAYE. Annual contribution to our weekly and offering envelopes or via Direct Debit must be €250 or over. If you pay tax at 20% we can claim 20% of your contribution. If you pay at 41% we can reclaim at least 41% of your yearly contribution.

At the end of each financial year, the Parish Office will send a statement to you, if you have contributed €250 or over. You simply sign the statement, insert your PPS Number and return to the Parish Office. Any benefit will be returned from the Revenue Commissioners to the Charity i.e. the Parish. If you pay tax by Self Assessment, you simply give the certificate which you will get from the Parish to your accountant.

Once again we thank all our parishioners who support financially our policy of providing well maintained and heated Churches, while offering an efficient parish administration in arranging and conducting Masses, Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals, First Communion, Confirmation etc.