Do This in Memory Programme

This programme was developed to meet a need for parish-based pre-sacramental resources which would give

First communion gold goblet rosary on white background

parents, children and the parish community the opportunity to prepare for First Confession and First Eucharist.  It also complements the schools preparation for these Sacraments.

The Programme provides children with the good Sunday habit of going to Mass, which will provide a solid foundation for the celebration First Eucharist.

The programme starts in September and continues throughout the year, with 10 monthly Masses.  The First communicants are involved and participate in these Masses.  A procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi concludes the programme.

Parents of First Communicants are invited to become members of the Programme Planning Group who meet once a month to prepare and plan the Masses.

This Programme gives children a wonderful experience as they continue their faith journey as members of the Christian Community.