Best of Luck to Fr Kevin
The Parish Pastoral Council, along with the Parish Teams and Parishioners of Rush, would like to wish Fr. Kevin the very best wishes in his new Parish.
We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.
May his path be blessed and guided by the Lord.
Summer Office Opening Hours
Summer Office Opening Hours resume from Monday 1st July
Monday: 9.30am to 11am
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9.30am to 11am
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 9.30am to 11am
Funding Our Parish
For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate‘ on the machines at the main exit.
The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.
You can also Donate Online here
Thank you to all for your support