Feast of Divine Mercy

Sunday 7th April in St Maur’s Parish Rush, 2pm to 5pm

Holy Mass at approximately 4pm

TrĂ³caire Boxes

Kindly return your box and/or contribution to the office or sacristy over the coming weeks.

Thank you to all who have supported the TrĂ³caire Lenten Campaign this year.

Parish Shop

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 12pm

Confirmation and Communion cards now available

Rosettes, Communion gift boxes, Communion pendants, Communion and Confirmation missals etc also available

Easter Ceremonies

Thank you to all the many Parish Volunteers who worked so hard to make the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies so special this year.

May God reward you all.

Easter Dues

Easter Dues to the Parish are now being accepted.

St Maur’s GAA Fundraising Event

St Maur’s GAA is currently running a fundraiser called the “Oskars” to raise additional funds for the clubhouse.

Some sections of famous movies (Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, etc) will be filmed around Rush.

Information evening on Tuesday 9th April at 6.30pm in Rush National School for all budding actors or anyone wanting to get involved.

Funding Our Parish

For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate‘ on the machines at the main exit.
The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.

You can also ‘Donate Online’ here

Thank you to all for your support