Planned Giving Envelopes 2024

For anyone who hasn’t picked up their envelopes they are available to pick up from the Parish Office, Monday to Friday 9.30am – 12pm.

Please come in to pick yours up.

Thank you for your continued support

Holy Day of Obligation

Friday 8th December: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass at 10am.

Mass at 7pm in Day Chapel.

Christmas Book of Remembrance

Envelopes are now available at the back of the Church for the Christmas List. Names of our loved ones who have gone before us may be written in a special book which will be placed on display upon the Altar steps throughout the 12 days of Christmas. These names will be remembered at all Masses over the Christmas Season.

Please complete and leave back to the Parish Office or place in the Church Letter Box.

Please note that no individual names will be called out from the Altar on the Christmas Eve and Christmas morning Masses.

Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards

The Parish office now has a beautiful selection of Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards in stock. If you are interested please drop in to see them. A Triduum of Masses will be offered during the Christmas Season for the intentions of all whose names are included.

Parish Office: Opening Hours

9.30am – 12pm, Mon – Fri.

Come in and browse our gift ideas for Christmas.

The Gospel of Mark – An Introduction

Interesting in knowing more about the Bible and Gospels?

You are invited to an introductory course on St. Mark’s Gospel starting on Monday 8th January from 11am to 12pm in the Parish Meeting Room.

The course will read and reflect on the Gospel of Mark in its religious, historical and cultural context, examining the word of God in its own time, and how it can speak to us today.

No previous knowledge required and notes/handouts will be provided.

For those interested please leave your name in Parish Office.

Led by the Spirit Group

The Led by the Spirit Group will continue its programme with the Confirmation pupils on Tuesday 5th December.

The Scripture Reading for discussion this week will be: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 20: verses 11-18)

Funding Our Parish

For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate‘ on the machines at the main exit. The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.

You can also ‘Donate Online’ here

Thank you to all for your support