November List of the Dead Envelopes
November List of the Dead Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church.
Please take one home with you, enclose your family dead list and return to the Post Box, Sacristy or Parish Office.
‘It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to pray for the dead’
Planned Giving Envelopes 2024
Envelopes will be distributed in the Day Chapel after all Masses this weekend
Please come in to pick yours up.
Thank you for your continued support
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group recommences on Sunday 26th November at the 11.30a.m Mass.
All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the Day Chapel.
New volunteers are also required – if interested please come in and join us or leave your name and contact details into the Parish Office.
Led by the Spirit Group
The Led by the Spirit Group will continue its programme with the Confirmation pupils on Tuesday 21st November.
The Scripture Reading for discussion this week will be: The Prodigal Son: A spirit of forgiveness (Luke 15:verses 11-24)
Funding Our Parish
For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate‘ on the machines at the main exit. The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.
You can also ‘Donate Online’ here
Thank you to all for your support