The Legion of Mary Annual Pilgrimage to Knock

This takes place on Sunday 24th September 2023.

Pick-up points are:
St. Patricks Church, Skerries at 7.30am
St. Maur’s Church, Rush, Car Park at 7.15am

Contact: Lorraine 087 6203317 or Mary 087 8741472

Rush Dramatic Society

The performance of “Love Letters” on Wednesday the 20th of September is for T.I.A.F.I (a charity run by Rush woman Anne O’Rourke for Syrian refugees in Turkey).

Please come along and support the charity on the night.

Totus Tuus Men for Christ Conference 2023

Saturday September 16th, starts at 2pm

Live on Radio Maria Ireland

Anthony Crossey / Fr Billy Swan / Fr Chris Hayden / Fr John Harris OP

Dublin Diocesan Official Pilgrimage to Lourdes

A sincere thank you to all who contributed to the recent collection for the Dublin Dioceses Pilgrimage to Lourdes.

All names will be remembered in Prayer at the Lourdes Shrine.

The contributions will enable sick pilgrims to visit Our Lady’s Shrine.

May God Bless you for your care and generosity.

Crosscare Annual Appeal

The annual Crosscare collection will take place at all Masses next weekend, September 16th and 17th.

This year Crosscare is looking for help for its Homeless and Prevention and Food Poverty Services.

We kindly ask for your support in next weekend’s second collection.

Funding Our Parish

For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate‘ on the machines at the main exit. The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.

You can also ‘Donate Online’ here

Thank you to all for your support