The Legion of Mary (Brown Scapulars and Miraculous Medals).

During next weekends Masses (15th/16th July) brown Scapulars and Miraculous Medals will be blessed and made available for those who wish to wear them. A small donation would help to offset the cost of these to the Legion of Mary.

Parish Office Summer Opening Hours

Summer hours resume on Monday 3rd July:

Monday 9.30am – 11am

Tuesday – CLOSED

Wednesday : 9.30am – 11am

Thursday: CLOSED

Friday: 9.30am – 11am

Parish Office & Main Church renovations

We are still in the middle of renovations but hope to have the Office back open in the next few weeks.

The Parish Office staff will temporarily work from the Day Chapel. This can be accessed by the public via the side entrance on the Tesco side during Summer Parish Office opening hours.

Funding Our Parish

For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate‘ on the machines at the main exit. The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.

You can also ‘Donate Online’ here

Thank you to all for your support