The Bulletin
The Bulletin can be viewed on the Notice Board in the Main Entrance of the Church.
Heating in the Church
Apologies for no heating in the Church for the last couple of weeks.
The Gas Boiler which powers the heating system in the Day Chapel and Main Church has to be replaced.
The good news is that work to replace it is to commence this week.
Christmas Dues
Thank you to All who sent in their Christmas Dues.
We encourage all families in the Parish to contribute, you can leave them in the Post Box or in the Parish Office.
Rush Tidy Towns AGM
Please join us for the Rush Tidy Towns AGM on Wednesday the 25th of January at 7.30pm in Rush Community Centre. Hear what we achieved in 2022 and what our plans are for 2023, and give us your ideas for the town.
Funding our Parish
For those who don’t have cash, you can ‘Tap to Donate’ on the machines at the main exit. The machine with the Green poster donates to the Diocese, and the machine with the Red poster donates to the Parish.
You can also ‘Donate on Line’ using the pink button at the footer of this website.
Thank you to all for your support