The Bulletin

The Bulletin can be viewed on the Notice Board in the Main Entrance of the Church.

First Holy Communion

Parents Enrolment Meeting takes place in St. Maur’s Church on Monday 21st November at 7.30 p.m.

November Remembrance Mass

For all who have died since November 2021, Mass will be held on the weekend of Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of November. There will be no other Altar List this weekend. 

Invitations have been sent to all families.

Volunteer Meeting

New Volunteer (General) meeting takes place in St. Maur’s Church at 7.30pm on Tuesday 22nd November .

Planned Giving Envelopes 2022

Envelopes will be distributed in the Day Chapel after all Masses this weekend.

Please come in to pick yours up. Thank you for your continued support.

November List of the Dead Envelopes

November List of the Dead Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church. Please take one home with you, enclose your family dead list and return to the Post Box, Sacristy or Parish Office.

‘It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to pray for the Dead’.

Saint Vincent De Paul

There will be no collection this month. The National Annual Appeal takes place on the weekend of the 10th and 11th of December.