We Sympathise with the family of Philip Follenus whose funeral took place this week.
May he Rest In Peace.
We Welcome: Bailey Louise Maher who was baptised last weekend.
‘Do This in Memory Programme’
We welcome the First Holy Communion Families at the 11.30 am Mass this weekend as they continue their journey in preparation for the Sacrament.
The Annual Collection of ACCORD Dublin , the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will take place at all Masses this weekend. The Collection for ACCORD will replace the usual Share Collection. ACCORD Dublin throughout the Diocese offers:
- Marriage Preparation courses
- Counselling for couples & individuals experiencing difficulties in their relationships
- A Relationship & Sexuality Programme for schools.
The Annual ACCORD Collection replaces SHARE today.
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Rush Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: This year our Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes departs on 3rd September for 5 nights. The cost is €759 per person sharing. This tour is operated by Joe Walsh Tours. License No. T.O.052. For information please contact Samantha McGuinness on 0860660627(after 6pm) or Johnny McGee on 0868557628.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Day Chapel:
Every Monday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
Every Thursday from 7.00a.m. to 10 p.m.
Every Friday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon. All Welcome
Planned Giving for Sunday 9th February realised €1,160
We sincerely thank all who through their. Offering contribute to the upkeep of the parish.
Safeguarding Training:
Upcoming Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Training available for volunteers working within the parish. Suitable for anyone who missed the last training day here, or for those who want at refresher. The next training dates are
- 25th February in from 10.30am to 4.00pm (lunch provided) in Clonliffe College
- 29th February in Brackenstown from 9.30am to 3.00pm. For further dates please contact the parish office.
28th World Day of the Sick
Fr. Kevin along with the Parish Pastoral Council would like to convey their gratitude to all the ministries who prepared and took part in the ‘Healing Mass’ last weekend. To those who attended and received the sacrament. Also to our hospitality team and to St. John Ambulance. Thank you
“May the Healing love of God touch all our Brokenness”
Lenten Scripture Programme: The programme, during Lent, will be led by Rev. Kieran O’Mahony OSA and will begin on Monday 2nd March in the Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan @7.30pm with a cuppa afterwards. All Welcome
Lent Online Retreat: Do a free three day online retreat focusing on Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving. Available throughout Lent. Register now. +353 4048124. Everyone Welcome
Anam Cara North Dublin
Anam Cara North Dublin, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 19th February at 7:20pm in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords, Co. Dublin. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Please contact us on or 085 2888 888 for any queries.
Medjugorje Pilgrimage
Medjugorje Group Pilgrimage 2020: takes place form 10th – 17th June, cost €715 accompanied by Fr. Brian Treacy as Spiritual Director. For further details, contact Derek & Anne Farrell at 0862573824 or 0879224077.
Balbriggan and District Horticultural Society
Talk on birds and wildlife by Christine O Daly renowned photographer from The Outdoor Studio Skerries and very knowledgeable on wildlife. It will take place on Thursday 20th of February at 8:30 p.m. in the Scouts Den market Green Balbriggan beside Lidl. Plant and seed swap and garden magazines and leaflets available on the night. Raffle and cup of tea. Admission €4. For more information telephone 087 752 05 06.
They are also having a talk on Herbs entitled ‘Medical Herbs and Safe Natural Remedies’ by Denise Dunne from The Herb Garden Naul, on Thursday the 19th March at 8.30 pm in the Scouts Den, Market Green Balbriggan beside Lidl Co Dublin. Plant and seed swap and garden magazines and leaflets available on the night. Raffle and cup of tea and biscuits. Admission €4..