We Sympathise with the families of Clare Cronin & Séamus Clerkin whose funerals took place this week.
May they Rest In Peace.
We Welcome: George Colin Wynne & Eric Francis Devlin who were baptised last weekend.
Novena of Grace
The Annual Novena of Grace in honour of St. Francis Xavier begins this week on March 4th and concludes March 12th . The Novena Prayer will be prayed at all Masses in Rush over these nine days.
- Trócaire Boxes: Primary school children in the Parish will have received a Trócaire Box to take home. For those families who did not receive, boxes are available in the porch at the main entrance of the Church.
- Adoration Every Sunday of Lent from 2pm to 5pm.
- Lenten Scripture Programme: The programme, during Lent, will be led by Rev. Kieran O’Mahony OSA and will begin on Monday 2nd March in the Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan @7.30pm with a cuppa afterwards. All Welcome.
First Confessions
We remember the children of who are making their First Confession this coming week,
- Gaelscoil Ros Eo on Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm in the school.
- Rush National School on Tuesday 3rd March at 7.30pm in the Church.
May God Bless the children as they receive the gift of His loving forgiveness.
‘Led by the Spirit’
The Confirmation candidates from St. Catherine’s National School will continue with the Confirmation programme ‘Led by the Spirit’’ on Tuesday 3rd March with a Day of Reflection , facilitated by the Julian Prayer Group. Please keep those preparing for the Sacraments in your prayers – “Come Holy Spirit Fill the Heart of Your Faithful. Amen.”
Arising from this: Each Tuesday from 14th January to 24th March inclusive, as the Confirmation Retreats take place in the Church, we ask that families be aware that the church will not be available for any other events, including Tuesday funerals. These dates involve much planning as they synchronise the timetables of our four primary schools, retreat team, coach hire, and Parish. We ask for your understanding in arranging funerals on the other 5 days each week during this time. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Parish Financial Support
Planned Giving for Sunday 23rd February realised €1,075. We sincerely thank all who through their. Offering contribute to the upkeep of the parish.
HSE Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Religious Services (Last reviewed 27.02.2020):
To Minimise the risk of the spread of the infection, here is a brief synopsis of the HSE Guidelines. The Archdiocese has asked that all parishes are advised of the following to reduce the spread of the infection among Church Congregations.
We advise;
- Members of the congregation not to attend Religious Services it they are ill.
- That Holy Water Fonts should not be used on entering the Church.
- The practice of shaking hands on entering Mass should be suspended for both Clergy and Laity.
- The practice for shaking hands at the Sign of Peace should be suspended.
- Holy Communion should be administered into the hands only and NOT onto the tongue.
- The practice of shaking hand on exiting Mass should be suspended for both Clergy and Laity.
- Holy Water Fonts should not be used on exiting the Church.
These guidelines are subject to review as the situation is constantly monitored by the HSE. These guidelines are not conclusive. Full details are available through HSE Live helpline on 1850 24 1850.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Day Chapel:
Every Sunday of Lent from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.
Every Monday from 9.30am to 12 noon.
Every Thursday from 7.00am to 10 pm.
Every Friday from 9.30am. to 12 noon.
Alliance of the Two Hearts takes place on Friday 6th March from 8pm -3am All Welcome
Alliance of the Two Hearts: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes place on Friday 1st November commencing with Mass for All Saints Day at 7p.m. followed by Exposition, Midnight Mass and Exposition again until 3a.m. Please join us for all or part of the Vigil.
Projector Screen
We are seeking for volunteers to prepare and display the projector screen at all Sunday Masses especially the 7pm and 9am Masses. If interested please leave your details in the parish office. Thank you to those who have volunteered to date.
Child Safeguarding
For any volunteers who have submitted their application forms for Garda Vetting, please check your emails as the next part of the process is to complete the online application form. The Garda vetting office are currently sending out emails to the email address provided and the application expires after 30 days.
Irish Blood Transfusion
Irish Blood Transfusion Blood Service mobile unit will be at St. Maur’s GAA Centre on Monday 16th March from 4.30pm to 8pm. It is important that we all remember that many patients in hospitals need our blood and this never ceases.
Anam Cara Dublin
Anam Cara Dublin along with Feilacain and Pieta House will be hosting a Bereavement Support Evening for bereaved parents on the 11th March in the Aisling Hotel, Park Gate St, D08 P38N. This event starts at 7pm. This is a free event and open to all bereaved parents. However, to help us organise it please RSVP to or 085 288 8888 before 10th March.
Rush Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
This year our Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes departs on 3rd September for 5 nights. The cost is €759 per person sharing. This tour is operated by Joe Walsh Tours. License No. T.O.052. For information please contact Samantha McGuinness on 0860660627(after 6pm) or Johnny McGee on 0868557628.