Christmas Greetings.
Fr. Kevin and the Parish Team wish A Happy and Peaceful Christmas to all our Parishioners and to all who are visiting our Parish at this time.
Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Eve:
- Family Mass 6.00pm.
- Vigil Mass 8.00pm.
Christmas Day:
- Mass 9.00am.
- Family Mass 11.30am.
St. Stephen’s Day
- Mass 10am.
Friday December 27th
- Mass 10.00a.m.
Saturday December 28th
Vigil Mass at 7pm.
Sunday December 29th
- Masses 9.00am. and 11.30am.
Mon December 30st – Fri January 3rd
- Mass at 10am
Feast of the Epiphany
- Sunday 5th Jan –Vigil Mass at 7pm.
- Monday 6th Jan – Mass at 10am.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The Adoration timetable continues as normal, including St. Stephen’s Day, 26th Dec 7am to 10pm.
We understand that timetable Adorers may not be available, but be assured of our prayers
Christmas Confessions Times
- Saturday, December 21st after 7pm Mass.
- Sunday, December 22nd after 9am &11.30am Masses.
- Christmas Eve, December 24th after 9 am Mass.
Parish Office
Parish Office will be closed from Monday 23rd December to Thursday 2nd January.
Christmas Book of Remembrance
Please note that no individual names will be called out on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning Masses. Envelopes are available at the back of the Church for the Christmas List . This will be displayed on the Altar for the 12 days of Christmas and they will be remembered at all Masses. Please complete your list and leave back to the Parish Office, Sacristy or place in the Church Post Box before 10am Monday 23rd to allow for printing. After this cut off point any late submissions can only be included at the back of the book.
Christmas Swim
Irish Cancer Society: The annual Christmas Day Swim will take place at Rush Sailing Club, Rogerstown @11.30am. Sponsorship cards in aid of Irish Cancer Society available from Jacqui Mc Crum 0868542220
Christmas Timetable
Christmas Timetable is now posted inside the Church entrance and also in the Church grounds.
We have endeavoured to distribute a Parish Christmas Card to as many homes in the Parish as possible. This includes the timetable of the Christmas Masses. If for any reason you didn’t receive one they are available at the main exit, and you are welcome to take one home. A sincere Thank You to all our volunteer distributors.
Crib Offerings
Crib offerings will go to The Holy Family Maternity Hospital in the town of Bethlehem, through the Order of Malta
A Sincere Thank You
- To all who so beautifully decorated the Church and the Crib for Christmas.
- To all who have generously given of their time and talents in the preparations leading up to the Christmas Celebrations.
- Toy Sunday: Thank you to all who donated toys for Focus Ireland last weekend
Planned Giving
Last Sunday’s Planned Giving realised €1,210.
We sincerely Thank all who through the Family Offering contribute to the upkeep of the parish.
Parish Schools Enrolment
Enrolment for the Parish Schools: Enrolment for Rush National School, St. Catherine’s National School and St. Brendan’s National School: will take place fromMonday 6th January to Friday 17th January 2020 inclusive. Pre-enrolment application forms will be available from the schools’ office between the hours of 09:30 and 14.30.
Acknowledgement: Philip Slattery R.I.P.
The family wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad loss of Philip. A special mention to Fr. John Collins, the Irish Cancer Society night nurses, St. Francis Hospice & Fitzgerald’s Funeral Directors. A special mention to all his dozens of friends from childhood to now, who came to say goodbye. He would have been so proud to know how they all felt. To all our families and friends, Thank You.
Please Note
There will be no bulletin printed over the Christmas period.