Christmas Services of Reconciliation:
- Monday December 16th @7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Skerries.
- Tuesday, December 17th at 7.30pm in St. MacCullin’s Church, Lusk
- Wednesday, December 18th at 7.30pm in St. Maur’s Church, Rush.
Confessions in Rush
- Saturday, December 21st after 7pm Mass.
- Sunday, December 22nd after 9am &11.30am Masses. Tuesday, December 24thafter 9 am Mass.
Christmas Carol Service
Last Wednesday evening we were treated to an amazing festival of music, song and verse at a full capacity Christmas Carol Service. A warm Thank you to,
- The Three Church Choirs,
- The Five choirs from all the schools,
- Rinceoil and Friendly Voices
All 10 Choirs were co-ordinated under the umbrella of the Parish Pastoral Council which resulted in such a rich expression of Christmas Faith and Giving. A great night was had by all. Well done!
Christmas Book of Remembrance
Please note that no individual names will be called out from the Altar on the Christmas Eve and Christmas morning Masses. Envelopes are now available at the back of the Church for the Christmas List . This will be placed on display on the Altar fort the 12 days of Christmas. They will be remembered at all Masses over the Christmas Season. Please complete and leave back to the Parish Office, Sacristy or place in the Church Post Box.
Christmas Timetable: We are endeavouring to distribute a Christmas Card to each home in the Parish over the coming days. It will include the timetable of the Christmas Masses and Ceremonies. Please keep this information in a convenient place at home.
- The Parish Office now has a beautiful selection of Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards in stock. If you are interested please drop in to see them. A Triduum of Masses will be offered during the Christmas Season for the intentions of all whose names are included.
- Trócaire Christmas Cards are also available. Packs of 12 cards for €5.
We Welcome
Sean Patrick Kane, Rosalie Marie Collette, Cillian Bisset and Rian Alan Grant Mooney who were baptised last weekend.
Toy Sunday Christmas Appeal
We celebrate Toy Sunday this weekend at 11.30am Mass with the Do This in Memory Programme and all the Children of the Parish. This year the toys will go to children in homeless accommodation at Christmas. This is in conjunction with Focus Ireland.
Please note Our Christmas Family Masses will take place on Tuesday 24th December at 6pm. and Wednesday 25th December at 11.30 am.
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group takes place each Sunday at the 11.30a.m. Mass. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the Day Chapel.
Planned Giving 2020
Planned Giving envelopes for 2020 can now be collected from the parish office or sacristy.
- Thank you to new families who have given their details for contributions for the coming year. Please note that there is a delay in the printing of new envelopes. When the delivery arrives we will distribute them to you promptly.
- We continue to invite new families not currently contributing, to consider donating to the Parish in this coming year. We would be delighted to take your details through the Parish Office.
Last Sunday’s Planned Giving realised €1,360.
We sincerely Thank all who through the Family Offering contribute to the upkeep of the parish.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
- Every Monday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
- Every Thursday from 7.00a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Every Friday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
- Every Sunday of Advent from 2.00 – 5.00 p.m. All Welcome.
Aaron Murray R.I.P.- Fergus, Ruth, Nathan, Naomi and Zara wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to all their friends and community for their kind expressions of sympathy at a time when it was deeply appreciated. A Holy Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Enrolment for the Parish Schools
Enrolment for Rush National School, St. Catherine’s National School and St. Brendan’s National School: will take place from Monday 6th January to Friday 17th January 2020 inclusive. Pre-enrolment application forms will be available from the schools’ office between the hours of 09:30 and 14.30.
Anam Cara North Dublin
The organisation is holding a Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 18th December at 7:20pm in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords, Co. Dublin. This event is free Please contact us on or 085 2888 888 for any queries.
Advent Readings
Explore Faith…Encountering Jesus Christ : Lusk Parish Centre on Tuesday 10a.m./12noon December 17th.No previous experience required, all newcomers welcome! See noticeboard for further details.
Rush Foróige Youth Club
We are looking for new members to join, age 12-17 years old. It is a great way to make new friends through activities including games. Community projects , Inter club events etc. Meeting every Thursday (as per School calendar) from 8.00 – 9.30 p.m in Rush Youth Facility (formerly Martin’s Shop).
Irish Cancer Society
The annual Christmas Day Swim will take place at Rush Sailing Club, Rogerstown @11.30am. Sponsorship cards in aid of Irish Cancer Society available from Jacqui Mc Crum 0868542220.
Skerries Sea Sharps
presents an evening of choral Christmas music, conducted by Naoise Whearity, accompanied by Arthur Greene and with special guest Eilish Dexter (Soprano soloist) on Thurs 19th Dec 2019 at 7.30pm at St. Patrick’s church, Skerries. Tickets €10 available from choir members, Skerries bookshop and on the night. A donation from proceeds will be made to Skerries Autism Friendly Town.
Please note:
We could not fit all submissions into the printed version of the bulletin so we have them on this A3 at each entrance.They are also on our website