
We welcome Mia Florence Bradley, Finn David Donegan & Sadhbh Mary Dowling who were baptised last weekend.


Keeping the Church Grounds Beautiful:

I hope you will have noticed how beautiful the Church grounds look over the summer. We thank our care taker Vitalie and the Ground’s Committee for all their hard work.

It is good to see the youth of the Parish using the Church grounds to play football and socialise. However, we would ask that they and their families co-operate in keeping the grounds tidy. It is sad to see on “Rush Needs You” photos of unacceptable litter left nightly where they congregate. Let’s all co-operate together, in all age groups, to keep the Church and town tidy.


St. Maur’s G.A.A Annual Mass:

The Annual Mass for the Deceased Members of St. Maur’s G.A.A Club will be held in Aras Naomh Maur on Wednesday 7th August 2019 @ 8p.m. The Club would like to extend an invitation to all club members past, present, supporters & friends to attend this Commemorative Occasion.


Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

The Vigil Mass will take place on Wednesday 14th August @ 7p.m.
Day Mass will take place on Thursday 15th August @ 10a.m.


Loughshinny Blessing of Boats

The Loughshinny Harbour Blessing of the Boats will take place at Loughshinny Harbour on Sunday 1st September 2019 @ 2 p.m.


Planned Giving

The Planned Giving for Sunday 28th July was €1,240. Thank you for your generous support to the Parish.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Day Chapel:
Every Monday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
Every Thursday from 7.00a.m. to 10 p.m.
Every Friday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon. All Welcome.


Thank You from Claire, our Parish Secretary:

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to my participation in the Women’s Mini- Marathon in aid of Temple Street Hospital. Your money, which raised €9,421.07 for Team Sophie and all the other monies received through such kind donations will go to the St. Michael C Ward in the hospital which Sophie is currently attending for dialysis. Thank You again!



St. Maur’s Parish, Rush is currently recruiting for the role of a Pastoral Secretary. This role is offered on a one year fixed term / part-time basis for 15 hours per week. Applications should send a copy of their C.V. and Covering Letter to Ms. Judith Maxwell, HR Manager, Dublin
Diocese , indicating how your skills and experience match the role advertised.

The closing date for completed applications is Friday 9th  August at 5.00pm. All applications to


Community Employment Vacancies:

  • Care Takers (Rush & Séamus Ennis Centre, Naul)
  • Assistant GAA Coach (St. Maur’s)

You must be eligible to apply. Please contact your local Intreo office for information or phone 01 8431094 for more details


Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes:

The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from 4 th – 9 th September 2019. There are 180 places on the Special Section for the Sick. The sick pilgrims are accommodated in the Accueil Notre Dame which is situated close to the Grotto, and they are cared for by voluntary doctors, nurses and helpers from all over the Diocese. The fare for sick pilgrims of €490 – this specially subsidised fare – is still less than 50% of the actual cost of bringing a sick pilgrim to Lourdes. If you are interested, further information and application forms are available in the parish office.


ROS EO ART are hosting their Annual Art Exhibition in conjunction with the Harbour Festival from 11a.m. to 6p.m. from Fri 2nd to Mon 5th (inc) August in the former Extra Vision and adjoining premises. All very welcome.


Summer Schedule

Please Note the Summer opening hours for the Parish Office are Mon-Wed-Fri from 9.30a.m to 11a.m. Contact details above.