Happy Mother’s Day 
Today we prayerfully give thanks for our own Mothers and for all Mothers. May God Bless them today and keep them in the mantle of Mary’s care always.
We welcome Jamie Philip Delaney, Jack Michael Hogan, Zara Lilly Byrne, Zara Holly Coleman, Lucy Elizabeth Brenda O’Brien & Tymon Witkowski.
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group
The group continues each Sunday throughout Lent at the 11.30a.m. Family Mass. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the Day Chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along or leave name and contact number into the Parish Office.
Do This in Memory Programme – next Mass in Programme Palm Sunday 14th April @ 11.30a.m.
Preparation meeting for co-ordinating group on Tuesday 2nd April @ 8p.m. in the Church
First Holy Communion Mass Books are now available in the Parish shop and Rosary beads, gift sets etc. First Holy Communion and Confirmation cards are also available.
This week the parish welcomes Bishop Eamonn Walsh who will visit us to confirm our young candidates.
Good luck to the girls and boys from Rush National School and St. Brendan’s National School Loughshinny who will make their Confirmation this coming Saturday 6th April. We wish them Every Blessing.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Day Chapel
- Each Sunday of Lent from 2p.m. to 5p.m.
- Every Monday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
- Every Thursday from 7.00a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Every Friday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon. All Are Welcome
Thank you to all those who signed up last weekend for Thursday Adoration. Please collect your letter from the Parish office
Trócaire Boxes:
All primary school children in the Parish will have received a Trócaire Box to take home. For those families who didn’t they are available in the porch at the main entrance of the Church.
Alliance of the Two Hearts:
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes place on Friday 5th April commencing with Mass of the Sacred Heart at 8p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until midnight and recommence after Midnight Mass until 3a.m. There will be Rosary, Confession, Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Nine Offices of the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please join us for all or part of the Vigil.
Parish Office:
At present the opening hours of the parish office have slightly changed. The office will be open to the public from 9.30a.m to 11a.m. Mon-Fri. For outside office hours, please contact by email rushparishoffice@gmail.com ,or leave a voice message on 01 8949464. Any correspondence for the parish may be left in the parish Post Box – located by the notice board in the main porch.
Planned Giving for Sunday 24th March amounted to €1085 Thank you for your generous support to the Parish.
Pilgrimage to Knock 2019
Archdiocese of Dublin Pilgrimage to Knock 2019 will take place on Saturday 27th April 2019:.Time:11.00a.m.- 4.30p.m. All enquiries to: knockpilgrimage@dublindiocese.ie See notice for further details.
St. Catherine’s National School Choral Festival 2019
The festival will run this year on Wednesday the 3rd April. There will be a workshop from 6.00p.m. to 7.00 p.m. for children of the participating schools and will be led by Alan Leech (Member of the Irish Tenors and the National Chamber Choir). The concert will begin at 7.30 pm. Doors open at 7.10p.m.
The Loyola Institute Trinity College Dublin:
The Loyola Institute in Trinity College, Dublin is dedicated to education and research in theology in the Catholic Christian Tradition. They are running the following: MPhil in Christian Theology.
Study full-time or part-time. Scholarships Available. See more www.tcd.ie/loyola-institute
Ros Eo Community Childcare Centre
Ros Eo Community Preschool are enrolling now for September 2019. Free preschool places available (ECCE). Contact Debbie: 01 8954434
Email: roseoccc@hotmail.com Or Drop into see us in Rush Community Centre.