Eucharistic Adoration Drive:
This Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th members of the Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration will speak at the Vigil and Sunday Masses about launching a new Adoration Drive for our weekly Eucharistic Adoration in the Parish. We are looking for parishioners to attend for one set hour of Adoration each week on an ongoing basis which would be a great blessing for those who volunteer and for the Parish. There will be cards available at each of these Masses to select your preferred chosen times. May we remind you that Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Day Chapel
- Each Sunday of Lent from 2p.m. to 5p.m.
- Every Monday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
- Every Thursday from 7.00a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Every Friday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
All Are Welcome
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group
The Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group continues each Sunday throughout Lent at the 11.30a.m. Family Mass. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the Day Chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along or leave name and contact number into the Parish Office.
Pro Life Campaign: Church Gate Collection this weekend 23 /24 March.
Service of Light and Commitment takes place in St Maur’s Church at 7.00p.m. on Monday 25th March for the pupils of St. Brendan’s, Gael Scoil and Rush National School. We wish them every Blessing.
The pupils from five Confirmation classes, from the three Primary Schools in the Parish have been meeting with the Julian Prayer Group over the past few weeks leading them in a Day of Reflection. This, the final week. the pupils from Gael Scoil Ros Eo will be here on Tuesday 26th March. Please keep the children in your prayers. Arising from this please take note of the following — Funerals in St. Maur’s:
- Each Tuesday from 26th February to 26th March inclusive, Confirmation Retreats will take place in the Church, beginning at 9.45a.m.
- These dates involve much planning as they synchronise the timetables of our 3 primary schools, retreat team, coach hire, and Parish.
- On those dates we ask that families be aware that the church will not be available for any other events, including funerals.
- We ask for your understanding in arranging funerals on either Mondays or Wednesdays during this time.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
Acknowledgement- Fintan Butterly RIP:
The family, would like to express their sincere gratitude to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. Thank you to all our neighbours and friends, to those who called to the house, attended the funeral Mass and the graveyard. A special word of thanks to Fr. Des Doyle for his kindness, support and visits to Fintan over the last few years.
Thanks also to Fr. Matt Knight, Fr. Kit Sheridan and Fr. Kevin; To Louis Monks and St. Maur’s Church Choir; To Eamonn, Edwina and staff of Fitzgerald’s Funeral Directors for all their help and guidance; To the members of Rush Golf Club for the guard of honour.
A huge thanks also to all those who cared for Fintan during his illness – Dr. Murray, Amanda & Lisa – his homecare team, Haven Pharmacy, Lusk Day Care Centre, the nurses and staff of Beaumont Hospital and to all the wonderful staff of St. Francis Hospice for their tireless dedication and unfailing kindness. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions..
Planned Giving
Planned Giving for Sunday 17th March amounted to €1,050. Thank you for your generous support to the Parish.
Parish Office:
At present the opening hours of the parish office have slightly changed. The office will be open to the public from 9.30a.m to 11a.m. Mon-Fri. For outside office hours, please contact by email or leave a voice message on 01 8949464.
First Holy Communion Mass Books are now available in the Parish shop and Rosary beads, gift sets etc. First Holy Communion and Confirmation cards are also available.
Trócaire Boxes:
All primary school children in the Parish will have received a Trócaire Box to take home. For those families who didn’t they are available in the porch at the main entrance of the Church.
Rush National School:
Applicants are invited for the positions of Cleaner at Rush National School.
Cleaner Position: Applicants are invited for the position of part-time cleaner (10 hours per week) in Rush National School. Closing date for applications is the 24th March 2019. Please forward C.V. and cover letter to The Chairperson, Board of Management, Rush National School, Rush, Co. Dublin. Commencement date of position is the 8th April 2019.