Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group will start again for the Lenten season on Sunday 10th March at the 11.30a.m. Family Mass. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the Day Chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along or leave name and contact number into the Parish Office.
First Confessions: We remember the children of St. Catherine’s National School who are making their First Confession on Tuesday 12th March at 6.30p.m. in their School. May God Bless the children as they receive the gift of his loving forgiveness.
Confirmation: The pupils from five Confirmation classes, from the three Primary Schools in the Parish will meet with the Julian Prayer Group over the next few weeks leading them in a Day of Reflection.
This week. the pupils from Rush National School R4 will be here on Tuesday 12th March. Please keep the children in your prayers.
Arising from this please take note of the following:
Funerals in St. Maur’s:
Each Tuesday from 26th February to 26th March inclusive, Confirmation Retreats will take place in the Church, beginning at 9.45a.m. These dates involve much planning as they synchronise the timetables of our 3 primary schools, retreat team, coach hire, and Parish. On those dates, we ask that families be aware that the church will not be available for any other events, including funerals. We ask for your understanding in arranging funerals on either Mondays or Wednesdays during this time. Thank you in advance for your co-operation
Novena of Grace: The Annual Novena of Grace in honour of St. Francis Xavier continues this week and concludes March 12th. The Novena Prayer will be prayed at all Masses in Rush over these nine days.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Each Sunday of Lent from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Every Monday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
Every Thursday from 7.00a.m. to 10 p.m.
Every Friday from 9.30a.m. to 12 noon.
Planned Giving for Sunday 3rd March amounted to €1,521. Thank you for your generous support to the Parish.
Trócaire Boxes: All primary school children in the Parish will have received a Trócaire Box to take home. For those families who didn’t, they are available in the porch at the main entrance of the Church.
Bloodbank Clinic will be in ST. Maur’s GAA on 19th March.4p.m. – 8p.m.
Irish Cancer Society 2019 Daffodil Day is Friday 22nd March. More details in next week’s parish bulletin.
Acknowledgements: from the Massey & Kelly Families
Bernard Massey RIP: The family would like to thank all those who sympathised with them in the recent loss of Bernard. Thank you to all our neighbours and friends, those who called to the house, attended the funeral Mass and the graveyard. A special thank you to Fr. Kevin, Des and the members of Rush Folk Group, you helped make the Mass a special celebration of Bernard’s life. Thank you to Edwina and Fitzgerald’s Funeral Home for your care. Thank you also to Jason and his wonderful team at Haven Pharmacy, Dr Eva, Emma and Amelia, Yvonne, and the caring nurses and staff in the HDU in Beaumont Hospital for helping us care for Dad. We are grateful for the support of our Parish and Community during this sad time and Mass has been offered for the intentions of you all.
Noel Kelly RIP: The family wish to thank all who sympathised with them on Noel’s passing. Those who attended the Funeral Home, Funeral Mass and Graveyard, and those who sent Mass cards. Thanks to Fr. Kevin and the Folk Group, to Fitzgerald’s Funeral Directors. A special word of thanks to Lusk Community Unit for their kindness and care to Noel during his stay there. The Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
St. Patrick’s Day Concert, St. Patrick’s Church Skerries is hosting a concert on St Patrick’s Day which features internationally renowned musicians, an interpretive talk on St Patrick and a fireworks display. This will follow on from the traditional St Patrick’s day parade in Skerries which commences at 3 p.m. Entry is free and everyone is welcome. The concert will conclude with a fireworks display on the beach at South Strand, Skerries, at approximately 7 p.m.
Rush Community Council will hosts The Drummanagh Exhibition. Saturday 16th , 2p.m.-5p.m. & Sunday 17th March, 11a.m.-3p.m. Join Christine Baker, Fingal’s Community Archaeologist and see items found during last Summer’s excavation and see the plans for the future.
The Way Forward Pro-Life and Pro Family Event: Hosted by Fingal for Life and The Iona Institute. David Quinn will speak on the Pro-Life Movement in Ireland and The Way Forward. Maria Steen will discuss the proposed changes in the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) programme in schools, as parents are concerned about this very liberal and possibly compulsory programme. Time and Venue: 8.00p.m. on Wednesday, 20th March at the Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co. Dublin