We welcome Charlie Margaret Mulholland who was baptised last weekend.
Confirmation: The Julian Prayer Group will meet with the pupils from five Confirmation classes – from the three Primary Schools in the Parish – over the next five weeks to lead them in a Day of Reflection. We start on Tuesday February 26th and end on Tuesday 26th March. We begin with the pupils from Rush National School. Please keep the children in your prayers.
Funerals in St. Maur’s: Each Tuesday from 26th February to 26th March inclusive, Confirmation Retreats will take place in the Church, beginning at 9.45am. These dates involve much planning as they synchronise the timetables of our 3 primary schools, retreat team, coach hire, and Parish. On those dates, we ask that families be aware that the church will not be available for any other events, including funerals. We ask for your understanding in arranging funerals on either Mondays or Wednesdays during this time. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Planned Giving for Sunday 17th February amounted to €1,025. Thank you for your generosity.
Acknowledgement: The family of the late William (Billy) Ryan, Loughshinny, would like to express their sincere gratitude to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. To all those who attended the funeral home and funeral mass, who sent mass cards and helped in many ways. To the doctors of Seaholm surgery in Skerries and the staff at the Bon Secours Hospital in Glasnevin. They will be forever grateful for the kindness and care shown to Billy. Thank you to Lannon’s Funeral Directors for their support. To Father Kevin for his words of comfort. The Church committee and the Lourdes committee. To St. Maur’s Pipe band for their guard of honour and the powerful send-off they gave to Billy. To St. Maur’s Church Choir for fondly singing Billy’s beloved hymns. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Monday from 9.30am – 12noon, Thursday from 7 am – 10 pm, Friday from 9.30am – 12noon.
A schedule of Readers for the weekend Masses from the 16/17 February to 06/07 April’19 has now been placed on the Parish Notice Board for all concerned.
St Joseph’s Secondary School
There will an Open Evening in St Joseph’s Secondary School on Wednesday 27th February at 7.30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to present to and update everyone on our new school Campaign “Rush Stands Up”. You will hear and see the fantastic things our students are currently doing and hear about what the future holds for us. Everyone is welcome whether you have a student in the school or not. We are looking forward to meeting you on the night.
The Archdiocese of Dublin has launched an online survey, as part of the work of the Sacraments Review Group set up by the Archbishop. The brief of the Review Group is to consult widely and deeply and to make recommendations on we prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation in the future. The hope is that as many as possible will reply to the questions and make their views part of the process. The survey is open to all. It can be accessed on the Diocesan Website, homepage, under ‘Latest News’, where there are also a video message and a letter from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. Or click on this link
The survey can also be accessed via the Diocesan Facebook and Twitter
Loughshinny and Rush Historical Society are proud to present a talk/presentation entitled “The Famine and Cholera Outbreak in the Fingal Area” by Rob GoodBody on Thursday 28th February at 8pm in the Strand Bar, Rush. All are Welcome.<