Christmas Carol Service – Thank You! : Last Wednesday evening we were treated to an amazing festival of music, song and verse at a full capacity Carol Service. Thank you to all the choirs from the church and schools who took part and all who co-ordinated such a rich expression of Christmas Faith and Giving under the umbrella of the Parish Council. A great night was had by all !!

Parish Christmas Card: Over the coming days a Christmas Card will be distributed to each home in the Parish. It will include the timetable of the Christmas Masses and Ceremonies. Please keep this information in a convenient place at home.

Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards: The Parish office now has a beautiful selection of Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards in stock. If you are interested please drop in to see them. A Triduum of Masses will be offered during the Christmas Season for the intentions of all whose names are included.

Christmas Book of Remembrance: Please note that no individual names will be called out from the Altar on the Christmas Eve and Christmas morning Masses. Envelopes are now available at the back of the Church for the Christmas List .Names of our loved ones who have gone before us may be written in a special book which will be placed on display upon the Altar steps throughout the 12 days of Christmas. These names will be remembered at all Masses over the Christmas Season. Please complete and leave back to the Parish Office or place in the Church Letter Box.

Planned Giving for Sunday 9th December amounted to €900. Thank you.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Monday from 9.30am – 12noon,Thursday from 7am – 10pm, Friday from 9.30am – 12 noon and also every Sunday of Advent from 2pm – 5pm.

Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group continues for the Advent season. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the day chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along or leave name and contact number into the Parish Office.

Toy Sunday: We celebrate Toy Sunday this weekend at 11.30am mass with the Do This in Memory programme and all the Children of the Parish. This year the toys will go to homeless Children through the ONE campaign under the auspices of FOCUS Ireland.

Please note Our Christmas Family Masses will take place on Monday 24th December at 6pm and Tuesday 25th December at 11.30am.

Enrolment for the Parish Schools: Enrolment for the 3 parish schools (Rush National School, St. Catherine’s National School and St. Brendan’s National School) will take place from Monday 7th  January to Friday18th January 2019 inclusive.  Pre-enrolment application forms will be available from the schools’ office between the hours of 09:30 and 14.30.

“Are you aged 16-29? Do you dare to say ‘Yes’… then why not join us for Panama in Dublin from Sat 26th to Sun 27th January 2019 at Emmaus Retreat Centre near Swords, to mark and link with World Youth Day 2019 in Panama. We’ll have music, talks, the Pope’s homilies from Panama, food, fellowship, fun and more. Register your interest by emailing us at:  If you’re aged 18-29 and would like to volunteer for this exciting event, pop us an email to the same address with ‘volunteer’ in the subject line! Follow us on Facebook at: WYD@Home – Panama in Dublin”

Anam Cara North Dublin is holding a Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 19th of December at 7:20pm in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Christmas Services of Reconciliation

Monday December 17th at 7.30 p.m. in St. Patrick’s Church, Skerries. Tuesday December 18th at 7.30p.m in St. Maur’s Church, Rush.
Wednesday December 19th at 7.30p.m. in St.MacCullin’s Church, Lusk.
Saturday December 22nd from 6pm to 7pm.
Monday December 24th after 9am Mass.

Welcome Little Ones

We welcome Theo Graham Young,Jessica Kengne, Cindy Kengne,Patrick Kengne, Niamh Frances Thorne and Ciara Brooke Thorne who were baptised last weekend and during the week.

Christmas Carol Service – Thank You! 

Last Wednesday evening we were treated to an amazing festival of music, song and verse at a full capacity Carol Service. Thank you to all the choirs from the church and schools who took part and all who co-ordinated such a rich expression of Christmas Faith and Giving under the umbrella of the Parish Council. A great night was had by all !!