We Sympathise with the family Sr. Mary Corban who passed away this week.May she rest in peace.
2019 Planned Giving Envelope Distribution:
- Thank you to all families who have contributed to the Planned Giving collection in 2018, which finances the upkeep of the Church and Parish properties.
- The Parish financial statement for 2018 will be available this weekend.
- The 2019 boxes will be distributed at all masses this weekend. They are available for collection from the main porch of the Church. Please give your name to the distributors who will then locate your particular numbered box.
- We invite new families, not currently contributing, to consider beginning their donation to the Parish in this coming year. This can be done either by the envelope collection or standing order. We would be delighted to receive your details as you leave the Church this weekend or through the Parish Office – contact details above.
- Thank you for the Envelope Collection for Sunday 18th November which amounted to €840.
The wife and family of the late Leonard (Lenny) Martin would like to thank all those who sympathised with and supported them on our recent sad loss. We were so touched by the number of people who came to the wake and funeral mass and by the numerous kind messages we received.
In particular, we would like to thank Lenny’s beloved Rinceoil Fingal Group for the beautiful music they played. Thank you to Fr Kevin and Fr Declan Kelly for officiating and to Fitzgerald’s Funeral Directors for their help and guidance. Our heartfelt thanks to the staff of Beaumont Hospital, especially The Colman K. Byrne Unit and St Theresa’s Ward for their tireless dedication and unfailing kindness. The Holy Sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions.
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group will start again for the Advent season on Sunday 2nd December at the 11.30am family mass. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the day chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along or leave name and contact number into the Parish Office.
Altar Server’s Farewell: This weekend is Hannah McGuinness’s final mass as an Altar Server. We take this opportunity to thank Hannah for her years of generous and cheerful serving, and also for helping to train our new servers in such a supportive way. We wish Hannah every blessing in secondary school and look forward to her continued presence among us in new ways.
Legion of Mary, Star of the Sea Praesium, St. Maur’s Church, Rush: Invite you to the Annual Parish Retreat led by Fr. Columba M.Toman O.P. Date Sunday 25th November 2018, starting at 2 pm. Adoration and Confessions, Holy Mass 5.30pm. All Welcome, Light Refreshment’s provided. Cost €10. Phone 087 6203317.
The Confirmation Candidates will continue their programme with the Julian Group on Tuesday 27th November. This week’s Scripture Reading will be ‘The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 20: verses 11-18)’.
On Entering and exiting the Church….: Now that the winter has come upon us, we would ask you that on entering and exiting the Church you close all the doors behind you unless there is somebody approaching behind you. This is to reduce the very high heating bill for such a large building and is also beneficial to the environment.
St Joseph’s Secondary School: Next Tuesday 27 November between 9.30 and 11 a.m. the students, staff and parents of St. Joseph’s will begin their campaign for their new school by walking up to the site for the new school near to St Maur’s GAA.
The Parents’ Association invites all of the community of Rush to get behind the Action Group to ensure that the new school is delivered and that there are sufficient school places for the young people of Rush.
Rush Library: An art exhibition by local Artist Eileen Keelan will be held from the 26th November to the 10th of December. All welcome. There will be 26 paintings on show.
Rush Christmas Fair: Come and visit our fabulous Rush Christmas Craft Fair, where crafters, artists and hobbyists will be selling their goods. The fair is held on Sunday, November 25th 11 am – 5 pm at the GAA Complex St. Maur’s in Rush.