Congratulations to David Bollard and Michelle Doyle who got married on Friday.


Do It In Memory Mass 11.30am Mass today Sunday 11th November, is part of the Programme of Preparation for the 1st Holy Communion Children and their parents.


Confirmation Enrolment Mass for this year’s Confirmation Class on Sat 10th November at 7 pm Vigil Mass.


Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group will start again for the Advent season on Sunday 2nd December at the 11.30am family mass. All children and their parents are welcome to this child-friendly service in the day chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along or leave name and contact number into the Parish Office.


The Julian Prayer Group will discuss The Last Supper (Luke 22 :verses 14-20 and verses 31-34) with the Confirmation pupils on Tuesday 13th November.


November List of the Dead Envelopes: are available at the back of the Church. Please take one home with you, enclose your family dead list and return to the Post Box, Sacristy or Parish Office. All the names are included in all Masses on the First Friday throughout the year. “It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to pray for the Dead.”


Planned Giving Envelope Collection: Envelope collection for Sunday 4th November amounted €1,020. Thank you for your generosity.


Parish Office:. Opening Hours Mon- Fri 9a.m. – 11a.m.

  • Please note Daily Mass Intentions are subject to change should a funeral occur on that day, be assured that the intention will be included in the following days mass.
  • All names to be included in the Sunday Altar List should be submitted to the office by 12pm on Thursday. If you do not make this deadline please submit it to the Parish Office for the following weekend. Thank you for your co-operation.


The Archbishop of Dublin has announced a Fifth National Collection to help defray the costs of the World Meeting of Families and the visit of Pope Francis.  This will take place this weekend Saturday 10th and Sunday 11 November 2018.  This collection will replace the normal SHARE collection.  The Archbishop is most grateful for your generosity in previous collections and would greatly appreciate any further support you can offer.


World Mission Sunday: On behalf of Pope Francis, World Missions Ireland and the missionaries who make our world a better place, thank you for your incredible kindness. You and your Parish donated €2085. This generous gift will go directly towards supporting missionary work and struggling mission dioceses in the developing world.


Rush Golf Club will be holding the annual mass for deceased members this Thursday the 15th November commencing at 7.30pm in the clubhouse.  All are welcome


Rush Tidy Towns: The Group will be holding a Church Gate Collection this weekend Saturday 10th and Sunday the 11th of November. The proceeds will be used to help fund the many projects we have in the pipeline to help make our town and surrounding areas beautiful. Any support is greatly appreciated.


Legion of Mary, Star of the Sea Praesium, St. Maur’s Church, Rush: Invite you to the Annual Parish Retreat led by Fr. Columba M.Toman O.P. Date Sunday 25th November 2018, Venue St. Maur’s Day Chapel commencing 2pm. Adoration and Confessions, Holy Mass 5.30pm. All Welcome, Light Refreshment’s provided. Cost €10. Phone 087 6203317.


Advent Retreat: 8th December 2018 in the Emmaus Centre, Swords, 10am to 4pm. €35 per person including lunch and tea/coffee.