Don’t forget Clocks go back on Saturday night 27th October
Bank Holiday 29th October: Mass at 10 am.
November Mass of Remembrance: Every year during November the parish community prays a special mass in which we remember all our loved ones who have died since this time last year. The mass will take place next Saturday 3rd November at 7 pm. Refreshments will be served after mass. Special Invitations have been issued to each family. Of course, all are welcome to attend.
November List of the Dead Envelopes: are available at the back of the Church. Please take one home with you, enclose your family dead list and return to the Post Box, Sacristy or Parish Office. All the names are included in all Masses on the First Friday throughout the year. “It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to pray for the Dead.”
Congratulations to Barry Armstrong and Hannah Thorne-Foley who were married last weekend.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection: Envelope collection for Sunday 21st October amounted €895. Thank you for your generosity.
Parish Office:. Opening Hours Mon- Fri 9a.m. – 11a.m.
- Please note daily mass intentions are subject to change should a funeral occur on that day, be assured that the intention will be included in the following days mass.
- All names to be included in the Sunday Altar List should be submitted to the office by 12pm on Thursday. If you do not make this deadline please submit it to the Parish Office for the following weekend. Thank you for your co-operation.
Rush Meals on Wheels are in need of drivers. If you can spare less than 2 hours a couple of days a month, can you contact Celia at 086 3165728 of Mary at 087 9344019.
St. Maur’s Pipe Band will be holding their Annual Church Gate Collection next weekend Sat 3rd & Sun 4th November.Your support would be very much appreciated.
World Mission Sunday! Thank you so much for your kindness on World Mission Sunday last weekend. Your generosity means that you are helping empower people who are struggling to form sustainable communities of faith, hope and love.
Franciscan Brothers would like to thank the Parishioners of Rush for their wonderful kindness and generosity during his visit to Parish. Thank you so much for your wonderful donation of €2475 and to let you know that you are remembered in the daily prayers of the brothers. You and your families will have been remembered with a climb of the Croagh Patrick and a small fast.
Friendly Voices is a community choir consisting of Transition Year Students and Senior Citizens. We meet every Monday in St Joseph’s Secondary School, Assembly Hall from 11.15am to 12.15. We begin with a cup of tea and a chat before we get started on our singing.Ages range from 15 years to 95 years.After midterm break we will be preparing for our Christmas performances. Please come along if interested. You won’t regret it!
Rush National School are seeking an Administrator for general office work( computer skills an advantage), 11am to 2pm Monday to Friday. Commencement Date Monday 12th November. Letter of application to The Chairperson, Board Of Management , Rush National School. Closing Date for Applications is Tuesday 30th October 2018.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland will hold its Annual Service of Remembrance on Sunday the 11 November at 3pm in St Teresa’s Church, Donore Avenue, off South Circular Road, Dublin 8. All parents, siblings, grandparents & anyone else affected by the loss of a baby are very welcome to attend, regardless of whether the loss was recent or long ago.
Naul Gardening and Flower Club Flower arranging workshop by the renowned Richard Haslam on Wednesday 7th of November at 7pm in the Seamus Ennis Centre Naul. All materials will be supplied. Admission €25 Booking Essential. (also includes tea and biscuits) and raffle .For more information Tel 086 2850561.