Back to School Time!!!
We wish all who are involved in our schools the very best over the coming academic year. We pray for God’s special blessing upon our Boards of Management, principals, teachers, staff and students.
Thank You
Thank you to Saint Joseph’s Secondary School students for stewarding the Papal Mass, to the Choirs of Rush for singing at the event, to the Ministers of Eucharist for offering their services, to the Parish Representatives who organised the tickets and coaches, to all those who decorated the grounds and church for the event, to all those who took part in the special time of Adoration for God’s Blessing of the Gathering. Well done and thanks to one and all.
Our Thoughts
We Remember the Lourdes Parish Pilgrimage this weekend and wish them God’s Blessing and a safe journey.
The family of the late Mickey Leonard would like to thank, most sincerely, everyone who sympathised with us on our recent sad loss. It was much appreciated whether you called to the house, attended the Removal/Funeral, sent flowers, a Mass card, a kind message or helped in any way.
A special thank you to Fr. Kevin, Fr. Kit Sheridan, St Maur’s Folk Group, Fitzgerald’s Funeral Directors, the staff of Beaumont Hospital, Haven Pharmacy and Rush & Lusk Game Association.
Parish Office:
Opening Hours Mon- Fri 9a.m. – 11a.m. Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include a phone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office by 12 p.m. on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you.
Reading Roster
A list of Readers for the weekend Masses from 01/02 September to 20/21 October’18 has now been placed on the Parish Notice Board for all concerned.
Alliance of the Two Hearts:
Commencing Friday 7th September In St. Maur’s Church with the Mass of the Sacred Heart at 8 o’clock. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until midnight mass at 12 o’clock and recommence after mass until 3 am. Please join us for all or part of the Vigil.
Legion of Mary:
The Legion’s Pilgrimage to Knock. Sunday 30th September 2018. Pick up points: St Patricks Church Skerries at 7am and Eurospar Rush at 7.15am. Contact Lorraine 087 6203317.
Saint Vincent De Paul:
Due to the papal visit, the August monthly collection has been deferred to this weekend (Saturday 1/9 & Sunday 2/9).
Julian Prayer Group:
Meetings resume on Tuesday, Sept 4th, in Meeting Room behind the sacristy after 9 a.m. Mass. These meetings provide an opportunity to reflect on Readings from Scripture and to share in prayer together. All welcome.
“Pro Life Dublin talk – After the Abortion Referendum: The Way Forward for Ireland’s Pro-Life Movement on Tuesday Sept 4th 7:30pm Wynns Hotel, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1 in The Ballroom suite. Speakers: Proff Patricia Casey, Paddy Manning, Michael Dwyer. All welcome!”
Falling Fruit Ireland – Food Sharing Project is a project to harvest the seasonal glut of local fruit (apples, pears, plums, nuts, etc.) in Dublin and to direct it to charities that cater for those in need. In 2018, we also aim to collect surplus vegetables from the grower’s fields – gleaning for charities! This initiative acts as a helpful service to households who have fruit going to waste in their gardens. It also serves the community by directing the surplus fruit to local charities, where possible. Contact or Tel. 086 2134897 if you wish to offer fruit or volunteer.
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Balbriggan\North County Dublin Branch of Guide dogs for the blind will be taking up their annual church gate collection outside all masses at on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of September 2018.
Irish Society for Autism
Irish Society for Autism would like to sincerely thank all the Parishioners for their very kind support at the recent church gate collection. They are delighted to have received the wonderful amount of €358.12. The funds will be used to continue to provide information and support services for people with Autism and their families nationwide.
Bus Connects
Advance notice of permanent cancellation of route 33 to Dublin City Centre. Committee set up to try save our bus service. All suggestions & help welcome. Information available on Rush Community Council Facebook page.