We sympathise with the families of Eric Rogan and James (Shay) Ryan who passed away recently. May they rest in peace.

We welcome Memunat Salami, Jacob Anthony Ciarciello, Sarah Anastazja Maciejczyk, Aoife Úna Rose Tierney, Arlo D Mulvaney Gleave and Charlotte Redmond who were baptised last weekend.

Farwell to Nicola McManus , Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council who is leaving us this weekend . We take this opportunity to thank Nicola sincerely for her dedication to the life of the Parish. Nicola served as a member and later as a Chair of the Pastoral Council. She will also be remembered fondly by the children and parents of the Parish for her work with the Sunday Children’s Liturgy. Our loss is Sligo’s gain! While we will miss Nicola and the McManus family in Rush Parish, we wish them every blessing and happiness in their new home and new life.

Parish Office: All queries re: baptisms, weddings, etc. to go through the office.  Opening Hours Mon- Fri 9a.m. – 11a.m. Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office by 12p.m. on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you.

Planned Giving Envelope Collection: Envelope collection for Sunday 24th amounted to €885.Thank you for your generosity.

Acknowledgement: The husband and family of the late Helena Leonard would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. Thank you to all who sent mass cards, everlasting gifts and sympathy cards and attended the wake and funeral mass. We would like to thank Fitzgerald’s funeral directors for their help and support at this difficult time. A special word of thanks to Fr. Kit for the lovely prayers and blessings for mam at the house and celebrating her funeral mass. Finally, we want to thank Aisling and Liam , for the beautiful singing and accompanying music throughout the Mass. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Annual Peter’s Pence Collection: Takes place this weekend June 30th/ July 1st. The collection supports the charitable work of the Pope. It replaces the Share collection. Thank you for your generosity.

Tickets to The Papal Visit to Ireland and World Meeting of Families 2018 We have had many enquiries about the WMOF events and in particular the Papal Mass. We have secured a block booking of 100 tickets to the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park on Sunday 26th August. We have also booked 2 coaches (at cost priced per passenger) to bring us from St. Maur’s Church Car Park to our allocated parking bay for the Phoenix Park. Please be aware that this can be 3.5km to 5km walk from the Papal Altar (as we are travelling by coach it gives us access to the shortest distance from the event) There will be several rest points along the route (with hubs equipped with seating, water, toilets and shelter) which will be of assistance on the journey. Please indicate your interest to our Parish WMOF reps in their allocated place after mass this weekend. Otherwise please e-mail your details to rushparishoffice@gmail.com. Subject to sufficient interest, once the 100 tickets are gone we will take a standby list to order more tickets and transport.

Congratulations to Mr. Ben O’Neill who retires this term ending after many years on the teaching staff of Rush National School. Mr. O’Neill will be remembered by many pupils past and present for his dedication as a teacher over the years. The staff and Board of Management deeply appreciate his contribution to the life of the school in so many ways. We wish Ben and his family health and joy for a long and happy retirement.

Adoration: Alliance of the Two Hearts Friday 6th July commencing with Mass of the Sacred Heart at 8 o’clock. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until midnight Mass at 12 o’clock and recommence after mass until 3 am. Please join us for all or part of the Vigil.

The Samaritans would like to thank the parishioners for their generosity at the annual Church gate collection on Sat / Sun 23rd and 24th June 2018. Call 116123 and we will listen to you.