First Holy Communion: Congratulations to the boys and girls from Rush National School who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday.
Congratulations to all the sixth year students of St. Joseph’s Secondary School who celebrated their graduation mass and ceremony last week in St. Maur’s Church. We wish them every success for their future. We include them in our prayers for their forthcoming exams. May the Holy Spirit guide them, and all our exam students with wisdom, guidance and peace in all their studies.
Final Mass in Do This in Memory Programme on the feast of Corpus Christi, Sunday 3rd June @ 11.30am. First Communion children are invited to take part In the Opening Procession(in their communion clothes if they wish). Preparation meeting on Tuesday 29th May in the Church.
We Sympathise with the family of Patrick Sliney who passed away this week. May he rest in peace.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection: Envelope collection for Sunday 20th May amounted to €965. Thank you for your generosity.
Easter Dues and Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who have contributed their Easter Offerings so far. The Easter Donations continue to be received in the coming weeks, we encourage each household to make their Easter donation.
A new European Data Protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), is being introduced on 25 May 2018. This new law applies to any organisation, including our parish that manages and processes people’s personal information. We are now working on ways of ensuring that what we do with your information is compliant with this new law. It is a work in progress and over the next few months we will keep you informed through the parish website and in the newsletter as policies are put in place. If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact the parish office.
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul would like to thank all who donated Clothes to the annual Church gate Clothing appeal. The generosity of the people has proved outstanding.
Irish Wheelchair Association are holding their National Bag Pack in your local Tesco store on Friday 6th & Saturday 7th July. Can you volunteer just 2 hours? Register to volunteer call 046 9072539. Thank you.
Rush Horticultural Society annual plant sale will be held at Rush Community Centre on 26th May 2018 from 8am to 2pm. Plants, flowers, vegetables, tubs, window boxes, raffle and lots more. BIG BARGAINS GUARANTEED!
Queries: Call 0868799571.
Lusk Parish’s Annual Service of Remembrance in memory of all babies who died before, during and after birth will take place on Sunday 10th June at 3pm in St MacCullin’s Catholic Church, Lusk. Olwen Lynch, the Church of Ireland Chaplain in Beaumont Hospital, will give the reflection and Fr Eoin McCrystal will preside. All are welcome to attend. The service will be followed by light refreshments in the Parish Pastoral Centre.
Launch of the WMOF Seven Church Pilgrimage in Halston Street. Plans are underway for the World Meeting of Families Pilgrim Walk which takes place from 18th–25th August. During the WMOF Seven Church Pilgrimage, the following seven churches will remain open each day between 9.30am and 7pm: St Audeon’s High Street; St Francis Xavier’s Gardiner Street; St Mary’s Pro Cathedral; St Michan’s COI Church Street; St Michan’s RC Halston Street; St. Saviour’s Dominick Street; St. Teresa’s Clarendon Street. Each church will have a roster of ambassadors to meet the pilgrims, stamp their pilgrim passports and offer a WMOF cead míle fáilte.St Michan’s Halston Street will be launching the WMOF Seven Church Pilgrim Walk on Friday 1st June at 4.45pm in Halston Street. As part of the celebration of the worldwide interest in the World Meeting of Families, we are delighted to welcome Hannah Beth Potter from Georgia, USA and the McIntosh High School Choir.
The Joy of Love : The Music Ministry of St Agnes Parish, Crumlin invites you to a recital of Karl Jenkins’ ‘The Armed Man’ on Friday 8th June at 7.30pm. An evening of music and prayer as we celebrate together the beauty and wonder of family life, in preparation for the World Meeting of Families. All welcome.
Skerries Sea Sharps present an evening of Choral Music conducted by Caroline Sutcliffe on Fri 8th June at 7.30pm in Saint Patrick’s Church, Skerries. Entry by donation with all proceeds to benefit Laura Lynn.