First Holy Communion: Congratulations to the boys and girls from Saint Catherine’s National School and Gaelscoil RosÉo who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday. Best of luck to the boys and girls from Rush National School who will make their Communion on Saturday 26th May. May God Bless them on their special day.
Prayers for The Protection of Life :
- Holy Hour from 7pm – 8pm Monday 21st May.
- Triduum in honour of Padre Pio for Life Tuesday 22nd May to Thursday 24th May.
- Adoration all day Friday 25th for Life.
We Welcome Carly Frances O’Connor, Albie Shane Kavanagh, Laura Radu and Josh Anthony Kelly who were baptised last weekend.
We Sympathise with the families of Sr. Anne Freyne and Tommy Coyle who passed away recently. May they rest in peace.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection: Envelope collection for Sunday 13th May amounted to €1085.Thank you for your generosity.
Easter Dues and Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who have contributed their Easter Offerings so far. The Easter Donations continue to be received in the coming weeks, we encourage each household to make their Easter donation.
Healing Mass In Honour of St. Peregrine ( Patron Saint of Cancer) in St. Patricks Parish Church, Strand Street, Skerries on Monday May 21st at 7.30pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered to those afflicted with cancer after Holy Mass along with the blessing of the Relic of St. Peregrine.
A new European Data Protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), is being introduced on 25 May 2018. This new law applies to any organisation, including our parish that manages and processes people’s personal information. We are now working on ways of ensuring that what we do with your information is compliant with this new law. It is a work in progress and over the next few months we will keep you informed through the parish website and in the newsletter as policies are put in place. If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact the parish office.
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Clothing Appeal is seeking your help in its Annual Clothing Appeal. The Appeal is for clean, good-quality clothes, bedclothes, curtains, shoes, etc. The collection of these items will be this weekend 19th and 20th May.
Congratulations: We warmly congratulate Sr Eithne Doyle RSM on the occasion of her diamond jubilee. May the Lord reward her for sixty years of service to Gods people and may she be blessed with health and contentment for the future.. Next Wednesday 23rd May there will be a cup of tea in the day Chapel (funerals permitting) to celebrate this happy event. All are Welcome.
Statement of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the defence of Human Life:
- Christians must be pro-life when it comes to the unborn and those who are vulnerable at the end of their lives.
- There are no second-class humans worthy of less protection and care than others are.
- For too long single mothers were ostracised and humiliated. This was often sadly enhanced by the Church. We owe a debt to those women who, then and now, witness to life.
- The overall ethos of medicine in Ireland has been marked by a passionate commitment to do all to protect the life of both mother and child.
- The 8th Amendment ought to have been accompanied by an appropriate legislative framework to assist doctors with complex situations. This is still possible.
- Repealing the Eight Amendment would end any Constitutional protection whatsoever for the unborn.
- Repealing the 8th Amendment in such circumstances would be a point of no return. I ask you to reflect on that.
- It seems incongruous that we should simply throw out all Constitutional protection of the unborn child. For that reason I will be voting No.
- I ask you to invoke Jesus to touch hearts and commit our society to be pro-life in defending the lives of unborn children and supporting women and men in the challenges they meet in accepting the joy of parenthood.