First Holy Communion:
Congratulations to the boys and girls from St. Brendan’s National School who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday. Best of luck to the boys and girls from St. Catherine’s and Gaelscoil RosÉo who will make their Communion on Saturday 19th May. May God Bless them on their special day.
May Devotions For Protection of Life:
Join us in prayer for our Nation and the protection of life each evening of May. A Rosary and Holy hour of Adoration will be held nightly from 7pm – 8pm in the Day Chapel. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be celebrated each Saturday after 7pm mass and Wednesday at 8pm throughout the month. We extend a warm welcome and invitation to all parishioners to join with us in prayer as we ask the Holy Spirit to guide our Nation at this important moment in our history. “We ask Mary our Mother to mantle in her Love all expectant mothers and their babies, especially those in difficult situations. Amen”
Choose Life 2018: Each week we will issue some copies of the resource from the Catholic Communications Office. Its purpose is to encourage discussion in families on the value of every human life. Issue 15 is printed and available beside the newsletter, Appeal for door/door canvassers to retain Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution on May 25th. If you have been following the Pro Life arguments and would like to get involved in the canvass please contact Paul on 086 0485585. All are welcome.
With Sympathy
We Sympathise with the families of Sr. Joan Doyle, Bridie Graham and Terry Rice who passed away last week. May they rest in peace.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection:
Envelope collection for Sunday 6th May amounted to €1280. Thank you for your generosity.
Easter Dues and Easter Offerings:
Thanks to all who have contributed their Easter Offerings so far. The Easter Donations continue to be received in the coming weeks, we encourage each household to make their Easter donation.
Healing Mass
A healing mass in Honour of St. Peregrine ( Patron Saint of Cancer) in St. Patricks Parish Church, Strand Street, Skerries on Monday May 21st at 7.30pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered to those afflicted with cancer after Holy Mass along with the blessing of the Relic of St. Peregrine.
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Clothing Appeal
The society is seeking your help in its Annual Clothing Appeal. The Appeal is for clean, good-quality clothes, bedclothes, curtains, shoes, etc. There will be bags available outside the Church this weekend 12th and 13th May. The collection of these bags will be next weekend 19th and 20th May.
Rush National School Cash for Clobber
This will take place on Thursday 17th May. Bags of unwanted clothes can be left at the school from 08.30 to 10.00 a.m. No toys, pillows or blankets. Many thanks.
St. Maur’s Pipe Band:
We will be holding our Fun Pub Quiz Night again on Friday 18th May in The Strand Bar. Quizmaster and MC for the night is Sean Murphy so the emphasis is on fun! So please support the band by coming along for some fun with loads of spot prizes and a raffle on the night.
Beginning Experience:
Residential Weekend Programme 25-27th May 2018 at Dominican Retreat Centre, Tallaght, for those suffering the pain of the loss of a marriage or relationship through death, separation or divorce.For further information contact 0860877379
Water Safety Week 29th July – 4th August 2018
Advance Registration Days will be held in Skerries Sailing Club on Sunday 13th May 11am -2pm for anyone who took part in Skerries or Rush Water Safety in 2016 or 2017, and their siblings, even if these siblings have not taken part before.Wednesday 16th May 7 – 9pm for newcomers and anyone who did not register on May 13th. Registration forms will be available from 8th May at Skerries Community Centre and Skerries Library or by email, or Facebook for updates.
A new European Data Protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), is being introduced on 25 May 2018. This new law applies to any organisation, including our parish that manages and processes people’s personal information. We are now working on ways of ensuring that what we do with your information is compliant with this new law. It is a work in progress and over the next few months we will keep you informed through the parish website and in the newsletter as policies are put in place. If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact the parish office.