Let’s Talk Family! Let’s Be Family!
We are running 6 sessions on Let’s Talk Family. Using engaging short videos to encourage discussion, it will offer us a time to think about our vision and hopes for family and marriage, and a chance to rediscover the gift that family is to the world. The programme will also challenge us to reflect on how we can provide greater support for marriage and family in our local communities. Who should attend? If you have a child preparing for a sacrament (baptism, communion, and confirmation) it’s for you! Third session on Wednesday 21st March at 7:30pm in Day chapel.
Bank Holiday Monday 19th March: Mass at 10am.
We welcome Jayden Ezekiel Olaoluwapo Bello, Ryan Leo Spain, Simon Philip Hurley, Oskar Patrick McNally, Jake Paul Leonard Fagan and Oisín Andrew Harrington who were baptised last weekend.
Do This in Memory Programme
Next Mass on Palm Sunday 25th March @11.30am. Parent’s preparation meeting on Tuesday 20th March @ 8pm in the Church.
Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Group:
The children’s liturgy group has started again for the Lenten Season at 11.30am mass. All children and their parents welcome to this child-friendly service in the day chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along.
Easter Mass Bouquet Cards:
The Parish office now has a beautiful selection of Easter Mass Bouquet Cards in stock. If you are interested please drop in to see them. A Triduum of Masses will be offered during the Easter Season for the intentions of all whose names are included.
Easter Book of Remembrance:
Names of our loved ones who have gone before us may be written in a special book which will be placed on display upon the Altar steps throughout the Easter. These names will be remembered at all Masses over the Easter Season. Envelopes will be available at the back of the Church for the Easter List from next weekend. Please complete and leave back to the Parish Office or place in the Church Letter Box. Please note that no individual names will be called out from the Altar on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday Masses.
Rush Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes:
Departs 2nd September 2018 for 5 nights with accommodation in the Hotel Solitude. Special group price of €739 per person sharing. Application forms are now available from Parish Office.
Schedule of Readers
A new Schedule of Readers for the weekend Masses from 10/11 March’18 to 28/29 April’18 is now posted on the Parish Information Board.
CROSSCARE Youth Services:
The Annual Collection (Social Support Agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin) will be at masses This weekend 17th/18th March 2018.
Rush Daffodil Day Group
The Rush Committee is this year celebrating its 30th year in existence. Through enormous volunteer efforts from the Committee and the generosity of the community of Rush over €850,000 has been raised since then.This year the street sellers will be out in force on Friday, March 23rd. Also on Saturday, March 10th Garden of Hope opens in the Library. Friday, March 23rd Coffee Morning in Martins Shop at Millbank @ 9 am 3k/8k Walk /Run @ 6.30 Rush Running Group event from Harbour Park Sunday, March 25th. Annual Sponsored walk @ 3 pm from Rush Sailing Club. We won’t give up the fight until cancer does!
Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Day Chapel on Sundays of Lent from 2p.m to 5p.m. Monday 9.30a.m to 12 noon. Thursday from 7a.m to 10 p.m. Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12p.m. All Welcome
Society of St. Vincent De Paul:
The annual Advocate collection for the Sunshine Fund takes place on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th March. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Choose Life 2018: Each week we will issue some copies of the resource from the Catholic Communications Office. Its purpose is to encourage discussion in families on the value of every human life. Issue 4 is printed and available beside the newsletter. To access videos, testimonies and frequently asked questions visit www.chooselife2018.ie.
Fingal for Life , a local pro-life group, are holding an information evening on why it is essential to save the 8th Amendment. The event will be held in The Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan, 8.00pm, Wednesday 21st March. Speakers include Senator Rónán Mullen and Dr Deirdre Gleeson, member of Doctors for Life. This is a very important event. Please come and bring your friends.
Refreshments after Mass
Refreshments after Mass in the Day Chapel every Wednesday after 9 am Mass. Please feel free to drop in after Mass, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, biscuits and a chat with us. To facilitate this gathering the Rosary will be prayed each Wednesday before mass at 8.45 a.m.
Swords Parish Bethany Bereavement Support Group:
You are welcome to attend our bereavement support meetings on the second and last Monday of every month at The Parochial House, Seatown Road, Swords. Nest meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 26th March,.