Trocaire Boxes:
All primary school children in the Parish will have received a Trocaire Box to take home. For those families who didn’t they are available in the porch at the main entrance of the Church.
We welcome Cameron James Martin Spike Kelly Dowdall, Helen Skelly, Lena Catherine Carmel Byrne Quinn and Jax Devine who were baptised at the weekend.
With Sympathy
We sympathise with the family of Pat O’Neill and Ciaran Halpin who passed away this week. May they rest in peace.
First Confessions:
We remember the children of St. Brendan’s National School Loughshinny, who are making their First Confession on Wednesday 21st February. May God Bless the children as they receive the gift of his loving forgiveness.
Congratulations to the children of St. Catherine’s N.S, Gael Scoil RosEo and Rush N.S who made their First Confession last week.
Join Us
Refreshments after Mass in the Day Chapel every Wednesday after 9am mass starting on 21st February. Please feel free to drop in after mass, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, biscuits and a chat with us.
Altar Servers:
Farwell to Kayleigh Leonard and Caoimhe Davey two of our senior servers who are resigning this weekend. We thank Kayleigh and Caoimhe sincerely for the excellent service and good example they have given over the years. May God always watch over them.
Family Mass Children’s liturgy group:
The children’s liturgy group will start again for the Lenten Season this Sunday 18th February at 11.30am mass. All children and their parents welcome to this child friendly service in the day chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along.
Parish Office:
Opening Hours: 9am – 11am, Mon – Fri. Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any Intentions for the weekend Masses need to be left in to the office by 12p.m on Thursday to be included in the Altar List.
Annual Collection of ACCORD:
The Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family will be made at all Masses this weekend. The Collection for ACCORD will replace the usual Share Collection. ACCORD Dublin throughout the diocese offers Marriage Preparation Courses, Counselling for couples and individuals experiencing difficulties in their relationships, A Relationship and Sexuality Programme for Schools. ACCORD Dublin needs your support.
Third National Collection for World Meeting of Families 2018:
The Third National Collection for the World Meeting Families will take place in parishes on the weekend of 24-25 February.
Planned Giving:
Envelope Collection for Sunday 11th February amounted to €1,290.Thank you for your generosity.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Sunday of Lent from 2pm to 5pm.
Every Thursday from 7a.m to 10p.m.
Loughshinny & Rush Historical Society:
Are proud to present a talk/presentation entitled: “50 YEARS IN FINGAL BEFORE THE RISING – HOW MUCH HAD CHANGED BEFORE THE REVOLUTION” By Declan Brady.Venue: The Strand Bar, Rush on Thursday 22nd February at 8p.m sharp. All are welcome.
Rush Senior Citizens:
Re-opens Monday 19th February at 2pm in Rush Community Centre. Please contact Kathleen, Vera or Jean.
Lost Property:
There are a number of small items of lost property (hats, scarves, gloves etc.) which are currently in the Office – please call into the office to reclaim. If they aren’t reclaimed in the next couple of weeks they will be donated to St. Vincent De Paul.
Parish Radio:
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our listeners. If anyone needs to avail of a Radio please leave your name into the Parish Office.