Feast of St. Maur (Patron saint of Rush) will be celebrated at masses at 9 am on Monday 15th of January 2018.

Baptism Celebration Mass: We will celebrate with a special gathering of all families who had their children baptised in 2017 at 11.30am mass on Sunday 4th February 2018.

We welcome Ben Peter Butterly and Isabelle Rose Creevey who were baptised recently.

We sympathise with the family of John Keeley who passed away this week. May he rest in peace.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Thursday from 7 am – 10 pm.

Planned Giving Envelopes: For those parishioners who haven’t received their envelopes please call into the office to collect their box. Thank you.

Parish Office: Opening Hours: 9 am – 11 am, Mon – Fri. Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include a phone number. Any Intentions for the weekend Masses need to be left into the office by 12 p.m on Thursday to be included in the Altar list.

Planned Giving: Envelope Collection for Sunday 7th January amounted to €1570.Thank you for your generosity.

Enrolment for the Parish Schools: Enrolment for the 3 parish schools ( Rush National School, St. Catherine’s National School and St. Brendan’s National School) will take place from Monday 8th January to Friday 19th January 2018 inclusive. Pre-enrolment application forms will be available from the schools’ office between the hours of 09.30 – 14.30.

St. Brendan’s N.S Loughshinny: Cleaner required, please apply by e-mail to stbrendansns@hotmail.com. Closing date Friday 26th January 2018.

Lost and Found: Mobile phone found on Church Grounds. If you own this please contact the office.

Christmas in Rush: Thanks to all who worked to make our Parish celebrations of the Christmas Season so special and memorable for the huge numbers who gathered in St. Maur’s over the Christmas period. Thanks to ministers of the Eucharistic, Readers, Servers, collectors, counters, sacristans, cleaners, church decorators and florists, altar linen, those who erected the crib, the Parish folk group, Organist, junior folk group and Parish Choir. Thank you to one and all, including those who work quietly and unseen in the background. They gave of their time, talents and service so generously to make it a wonderful Parish celebration of Christmas. Well done!

Fáilte Isteach: Basic English conversation classes on Tuesday mornings from 10 am to 12 pm at Martins Shop( Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility) Channel Road Rush, Beside Rush National School. All are welcome and all levels provided for. €2 per class. For more information please contact Debbie at 01 – 8439349.

Balbriggan and District Horticultural Society: Are holding a gardening talk “ Growing and cooking herbs” by Denise Dunne from The Herb Garden, Naul. Denise will include the growing and use of more unusual herbs. The talk will take place on Thursday 18th January at 8.30pm in the Scouts Den, Market Green, Balbriggan (Beside Lidl). Admission €4. For more info; Tel. 087 7520506.

Seasonal Flu: Given the increase in the numbers of people affected by influenza in recent weeks, those who are confined to home when ill can honour the Lord’s Day by praying along with the Mass broadcast by Parish Radio. If some parishioners feel uncomfortable about shaking hands at the Sign of  Peace, they are very welcome to wish others the Peace of Christ without hand contact (with a smile or a bow).

The Annual Collection for ACCORD: the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will be taken up at all Masses on the weekend of 17th & 18th February 2018.The Collection for ACCORD will replace the usual Share Collection.ACCORD Dublin throughout the diocese offers:   ACCORD Dublin needs your support:   PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY ON 17th & 18th FEBRUARY