2018 Planned Giving Envelope Collection:
The new boxes of envelopes will be distributed at all masses this weekend. They will be available for collection from the main porch of the Church. Please give your name to the distributors who will then locate your particular box with your name and number. Thank you to all families who contribute to this collection, which finances the upkeep of the Church and Parish properties. We invite families who do not currently contribute to consider beginning their donation to the Parish this coming year. This can be done either by the envelope collection or standing order. We would be delighted to receive your details as you leave the Church this weekend or through the Parish Office – contact details above.
Thank you for the Envelope Collection for Sunday 12th November which amounted to €1,360.
Our Sympathies
We sympathise with the family of Harry Kane who passed away this week. May he rest in peace.
First Holy Communion Preparation:
Enrolment Sunday of the Do This In Memory Programme takes place next Sunday 26th November at 11.30am. The children will receive their Thumb Book at this Mass. As this is November, the month we remember our dead, the children will be invited to make and decorate a leaf and bring it to mass with them. Parents preparation meeting on Tuesday 21st November at 8pm in the Church.
Confirmation Preparation
Fr. Kevin will celebrate Mass with the pupils, who are preparing for Confirmation from Rush National School, St. Catherine’s N.S, St. Brendan’s N.S and the Gaelscoil on Tuesday 21st November at 10am. All are welcome.Weekday mass goers please note mass time will be 10am on Tuesday 21st November.
Congratulations to newly ordained Fr James Daly and Fr Bill O’Shaughnessy who were ordained by Archbishop Martin on the 14th November. We welcome Fr James Daly to the locality as he takes up his first appointment in Skerries Parish.
Altar Servers:
We are delighted to have a list of new altar servers. Training for new servers will begin shortly. Before we start we invite families to consider having their child join us as a new server. Please leave details with the Sacristy or Parish Office.
ONE Campaign:
This week the ONE campaign was launched in Rush Co. Dublin. The aim is to bring a little magic to Children experiencing homelessness this Christmas. We are asking people to purchase a small item to donate to this cause. Further details on facebook page “ One Good thing this Christmas”orcontactDeirdre0831054817/onegoodthingthischristmas@gmail.com. Collection date in Rush Church is Sunday 3rd December.
A Date for Your Diary:
St. Maur’s Parish Pastoral Council Present Liam Lawton in concert “O Holy Night.” At St. Maur’s Church Rush on Sunday, December 3rd 2017 at 8 pm. Tickets €20. The proceeds from this concert will go towards an interactive screen for events with young parishioner’s in the Church. We look forward to sharing this very special evening with you. Tickets available from the office Monday to Friday 9 am – 11 am or after the weekend masses.
Legion of Mary, Star of the Sea Praesidium, St. Maur’s Rush:
Welcome you to the annual retreat on Sunday 19th November 2017 led by Fr. Rory Doyle. Venue St. Maur’s Day Chapel, commencing at 2 pm. Adoration and Confessions, Holy Mass 5.30pm. All welcome the cost is €10. Contact 087 6203317. Refreshments provided.
Family Mass Children’s liturgy group:
The children’s liturgy group will start again for the Lenten season on Sunday 3rd December at the 11:30 am family mass. All children and their parents welcome to this child-friendly service in the day chapel. New volunteers also required – if you are interested please come along.
What Can You Do To Protect The 8th: Fingal for Life are holding a Meeting and Workshop on how to explain the true facts in the Pro Life message and on how best to deliver that message to others. The meeting will be held in Portmarnock Parish Centre , Tuesday 21st November at 8p.m.
Rush Community Council A.G.M:
Date 22nd November 2017 at Rush Community Centre. Meet and Greet at 7.30pm, meeting commencing at 8 pm sharp.
Loughshinny and Rush Historical Society:
The Society is proud to present a talk/presentation entitled “Early Printed Maps – A Fingal Perspective,” by Bill Haneman.Venue : The Strand Bar, Rush on Thursday 23rd November 2017 at 8 pm. All are welcome.