Parish Radio:
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our listeners. If anyone needs to avail of a Radio please leave your name into the Parish Office.
We welcome Anthony John Georgi, Kayla Marie McGuire, Jayden Mougoue Donnelly, Aaron William Murray, Olivia Trish Linda Curtis-Barry and Cillian Joseph Noel Jones who were baptised last weekend.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection:
Envelope Collection for Sunday 23rd April amounted to €1,110. Thank you for your generosity.
Easter Dues:
People contributing to the Parish Planned Giving will find the Easter dues envelope inside their planned giving box. Parishioners who are not participating in the planned giving can contribute their Easter dues to the church, envelopes available in baskets in the church. These can be returned through the post-box or to the Parish Office or sacristy.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Thursday from 77 10p.m.
Alliance of the Two Hearts:
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Friday 5th May commencing with Mass of the Sacred Heart at 8 o’clock. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until midnight Mass at 12 o’clock and recommence after mass until 3am. There will be Rosary, Confession, Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Nine Offices of the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please join us for all or part of the Vigil.
Parish Office:
Opening Hours: 9a.m. – 11a.m. Mon – Fri. All queries re: Baptisms, Weddings, etc. to go through the office. Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office by 12p.m. on Thursday to be included in Altar list.
Church Cleaners:
Volunteers needed after 9am mass on a Wednesday morning to help clean the church. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Saint Vincent De Paul:
The St. Maur’s Conference of St. Vincent de Paul wish to thank, most sincerely, all who supported the Advocate Collection for the Sunshine Fund, held on the weekend of the 8th and 9th April. The collection raised €1,185, which will go towards providing holidays for children. The Advocate Collection replaces the St. Vincent de Paul Collection for April. The Society seeks your help in its Annual Clothing Appeal. Bags will be distributed on 6th and 7th May and collected on 13th and 14th May. The conference is most appreciative of the tremendous support we receive from you, the Parishioners of Rush.
Lost and Found:
Pink Ladies mountain bike found outside the church. Please contact the office if this belongs to you.
St Catherine’s NS Kenure – Choral Evening – Celebrating Community:
St Catherine’s NS, Kenure is holding a Community Choral Evening on Wednesday evening, 3rd May. It will feature choirs from three local schools, the folk group and choir of St Maur’s Church and members of the Discovery Gospel Choir. It should be a wonderful celebration of music and choral singing in St Catherine’s. Present for the evening will be the choral practitioner Grace Bergin, who will conduct an open workshop in St Catherine’s.
The event commences with a general welcome and tea and coffee at 7:00pm. The music will commence at 7:30pm. Those wishing to view or take part in the workshop need to be at the school for 5:50pm. The event is sponsored by Fingal County Council. Admission is €5, with proceeds going to the school fund.
The theme for the evening is Community. There will be reflections and poems on this theme during the concert.
Ros Eo Community Pre-School:
Ros Eo Community Pre-School are currently enrolling for this September offering both ECCE & CCS Schemes. Ros Eo Preschool have highly qualified, Garda vetted staff. For more information contact Debbie: 8954434/8439349 e-mail: