
We welcome Isabelle Louise Carpenter Finn, Jack Edward Mooney, Sean Aidan Mooney and Darragh Patrick McElroy.


Ivy Martin RIP
The family of the late Ivy Martin wish to thank most sincerely all those who supported and sympathised with them on their recent loss. A special thanks to the staff at Beechtree Nursing home and all-in- care for the kindness shown to Ivy. The Holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions.

Mary Leonard RIP
The family of the late Mary Leonard (nee Kavanagh, Old Road) would like to thank most sincerely all our neighbours, friends & extended family for their kindness, help & support since the sudden passing of our Mother. A special thank you to Fr Kit Sheridan, Fr Kevin Bartley, Aisling, Liam, Darragh, Alice, Pauline, Fitzgerald Funeral directors and all who attended Mary’s funeral for helping us celebrate our Mother’s life. The Holy sacrifice of Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy continues at 11.30a.m. Mass on Sundays. Children between ages of 5 and 12 approximately are welcome to come along and join us for as Child friendly version of the Readings and Gospel in use each week, helping to give you a better understanding of what It is all about. You come along to Mass as normal and sit with your Parents. The Priest will then invite you to join members of the team at the top of the Church. We then move into the Meeting room via the Sacristy and re-join the main Mass at the Offertory Procession.


Service of Reconciliation

St. Maur’s Service of Reconciliation will take place this coming Wednesday December 21 st @7.30p.m.

Parish Planned Giving:

Last week we launched the planned giving for 2017. There is a letter at the back of the church for anyone who missed it and a bank mandate is printed on the reverse. The boxes of envelopes are still available from the sacristy of Parish Office. Thank you to all who contributed to the upkeep of church buildings

Christmas Carol Service

Last Wednesday evening we were treated to an amazing festival of music, song and verse at a full capacity Carol Service. Thank you to all the choirs from the church and schools, Rinceoil, St. Maur’s Pipe Band who took part and all who co-ordinated such a rich expression of Christmas Faith and Giving under the umbrella of the Parish Council. A great night was had by all !!


Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.

Confession Times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place every Sunday of Advent from 2pm to 5pm. Also all day Thursday 7am to 10pm


Planned Giving

Planned Giving Envelope Collection

The Envelope collection for Sunday 11th December amounted to €990. Thank you for your generosity.


Christmas List of Remembrance:

Names of the Faithful Departed will be written in a special book which will be placed near the altar for all Masses from Saturday Dec 24th  to Wednesday Dec 28 th .  All names of deceased loved ones will be remembered at these Masses. Names can be left in the parish office or church letter box only by 12p.m. Thursday 22nd December. No names will be announced at Masses during this period.

Christmas Schedule

The Christmas Schedule is now posted in the Church and copies are available to take away.


Readers Schedule

A new schedule of Readers for the weekend masses from 17/18 December to 04/05 February 2017 is now posted on the Parish Information Board.

Parish Shop

Parish ShopClaire has been permanently employed in the office, all queries regarding baptisms, weddings, etc. should go directly to the office.
New Opening Hours Mon- Fri 9a.m. – 11a.m.
Christmas Stock Now in: Rush Christmas Cards, Christmas mass bouquet cards, Christmas Candles, Christmas Story Bible, Nativity sets, Advent Calendars, Nativity ornaments and much more. Come in and have a browse.

Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post box by 12p.m. on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you


Parish Bulletin

Please note: There will be no bulletin on Sat/ Sun 24th, 25th December and Sat/Sun 31 st Dec/ 1st t January. Next bulletin will be Sat/Sun 7th / 8th January


Adult Faith Course

Join us for our adult faith course suitable for anyone seeking a deeper connection between their faith and their daily lives. This coming year the course will take place over 4 weekends in the Balbriggan Parish Centre: 14/15 Jan, 25/26 Feb, 1st /2nd April, 20/21 May. The cost is €200. Sponsorship may be available from parish. For further info and application forms tel: 01 8373732 or e-mail


St Joseph’s Secondary School

Carols by Candlelight in the school hall on Tuesday 20th December @ 7.30p.m. Refreshments afterwards.

Enrolment for the Parish Schools

Enrolment for the 3 parish schools (Rush National School, St. Catherine’s National School and St. Brendan’s National School) will take place from Monday 9th January to Friday 27th January 2017 inclusive. Pre-enrolment application forms will be available from the schools’office between the hours of 09.30 and 14.30.


Goal Christmas Mile

New Year’s Day at Skerries Rugby Club 12.30p.m. to 2.00p.m.. Walk, crawl, or run a mile for GOAL to raise funds for The Third World. All are welcome and all ages can take part. Just turn up do your mile and donate what you wish on the day. GOAL is a Third World charity founded by Irish sports journalist John O’Shea in 1977 and he has raised over €790 million for humanitarian programmes in over 50 counties to help the poorest of the poor in that period.For more info: Contact Gerry Weldon at 086 8479690 or e-mail


Items found

Did you leave behind reading glasses in the Church? There are 3 pairs in the office, call in if they are yours.