Don’t forget the clocks go back an hour this weekend, Mass on Bank Holiday Monday 31st October is at 10am.
Parish Shop
Opening Hours Tue/Wed/Thur 9am – 1.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri: Please note shop is closed next week Tue 1st Nov – Tue 8th Nov inclusive for holidays and training. It will re-open Wednesday 9th Nov at 9am.
Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include telephone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post-box by 12pm on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you. Please note the Post Box is out of order at the moment.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection
The Envelope collection for Sunday 23rd October amounted to €1065. Thank you for your generosity.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Patrick (Sonny) Farren who passed away this week. May he rest in peace.
We welcome Minnie Zara Fanning Murphy, Kate Margaret Treanor, Amelia Lily Teeling- Stanhena, Hugo Owen Appleby, Ivy Rita Caul, and Julia Colette Weldon who were baptised last weekend.
Fr. Seamus Cullen – First Anniversary Mass
Fr. Seamus Cullen’s first anniversary is this weekend Sat/Sun 29th & 30th Oct’16 He will be prayed for at all Masses. A cup of tea and light refreshments will be served after 7pm Mass on Saturday evening.
Mass of Remembrance
A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at 7pm on Saturday 5th Nov. Every year during November the parish community prays a special Mass in which we remember all our loved ones who have died since this time last year. Invitations have been sent out to all of these families. There will be some light refreshments after mass.
Altar List of the Dead
Altar List of the Dead Envelopes will be available at the doors of the Church from this weekend. Please put the names on a slip of paper and put in envelope. Thank you.
Invitation from Jesus
Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.
Confession Times
Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.
Pro Life Campaign:
Volunteer needed to distribute leaflets. Please contact the office
Rogerstown House
From 10am until 12 noon each Saturday of Advent (November 26, December 3,10 and 17) come to Rogerstown House and immerse yourself in nature and the deep spirituality of the reading of Isaiah. In the first week Isaiah tells us: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!”. So do come and experience the Holy Journey as never before! See the notice board for more information.
Presentation to Fr. Peter
The Parish Pastoral Council are organizing a presentation for Fr. Peter in appreciation of the work he carried out during his time here in Rush, and a small token for Fr. Richard, Fr. Paul and Fr. Clinton for all their help & support during Fr. Peter’s illness. If you would like to donate, collection boxes will be placed at the back of the Church this weekend on Sat & Sun 29/30th October. Thank you.
Do this In Memory Programme
We welcome all children & parents from St. Catherine’s, St. Brendan’s, Gaelscoil & Rush National schools for the Do This In Memory Mass as they prepare for First Holy Communion.
Christmas Carol Service
This year’s Christmas Carol Service will take place on Tuesday 14th December @ 7.30pm.
Rinceoil Fingal
The Rinceoil AGM takes place on Tuesday 8th November @ 8.30pm in Martin’s Shop. We are very grateful to The Millbank Theatre who have allocated Wednesday 9th November of their upcoming play “The Runner Stumbles” to us as a charity fundraiser. A fascinating courtroom drama, it promises to be a fantastic night. Tickets available from Millbank Box Office @ 01 8437475 or via Paul Dowling 087 2308546 also Ciaran Saunders 087 6735694.
Legion of Mary Afternoon Retreat
The Legion of Mary Afternoon Retreat takes place on Sunday 20th November. Spiritual Director: Fr Brian Doyle. Venue: Emmaus Centre, Swords commencing at 1pm. Cost €15. Contact Lorraine 8491032, 087-6203317. All Welcome.
St. Catherine’s National School
Congratulations to St. Catherine’s National School on the opening of their new building which was blessed by the Archbishop on Friday.
Lambay Badminton Club
New members needed for Lambay Badminton Club. We play in St Maurs GAA club Monday mornings 10am to 12 noon. Phone Barbara 0861049566 for more information or just come to GAA hall Monday mornings. Beginners welcome