Parish Shop

Parish ShopOpening Hours Tue/Wed/Thur 9am – 1.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri. Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include telephone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post-box by 12pm on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you. Please note the Post Box is out of order at the moment.  


Planned Giving

Planned Giving Envelope Collection

The Envelope collection for Sunday 9th October amounted to €970. Thank you for your generosity.



with sympathyWe extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Teresa McCann who passed away this week. May she rest in peace


We welcome Lucas Andrew O’Connor and Elijah Paul Kenneth Brady who were baptised last weekend.

Mass of Remembrance

The Mass of Remembrance takes place on Saturday 5th Nov at 7pm.

Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.

Confession Times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.


Life Is Sacred

“We were conceived in the heart of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary” – Pope Francis.
To help us be better informed about the issues around the 8th Amendment debate Skerries parish team have invited the Pro-Life Campaign, whose approach is loving and consistent with the Gospel message, to make a presentation at a special meeting in St. Patricks Church, Skerries on Monday 17th October at 8pm. All welcome.

Do this In Memory Programme

The Parish wishes to invite parents of all children preparing for First Holy Communion in 2017 who attend Rush N.S, St.Catherine’s N.S, St. Brendan’s N.S and Gaelscoil Ros Eo to an information meeting where details about the programme will be provided. This meeting takes place on Tuesday 18th October at 8p.m in St. Maur’s Church.


Child Safeguarding Training

The Parish Pastoral Council and The Child Safeguarding Officers have organised Child Safeguarding Training on Monday 17th and Monday 24th of October from 7pm to 9:30pm. The training is split over two evenings and it is that Parish Clergy, Parish Staff, Sacristans, Safeguarding Reps, Volunteers who work directly or indirectly with children and the Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council attend both evenings.


St Maur’s Band Annual Collection

The annual gate collection takes place this weekend Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October.

New Roster for Readers

A new roster for Readers for the weekend Masses from 22/23 October’16 to 10/11/ Dec’16 is now posted on the Parish Information Board.

Julian Group

julian groupThe Julian Group will continue its programme with the Confirmation pupils on Tues. Oct 18th. This week’s Scripture Readings will be “ The Finding in The Temple” ( Luke 2: verses 41-52 ) and The Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist (Luke3: verses 1-22).

North County Dublin Care and Repair Service

Do you have a small repair job that you would like to have done? North County Dublin Care and Repair Service carry out minor repairs and odd jobs for older people who find it difficult to do these jobs themselves e.g. changing light bulbs, minor decorating, hanging curtains, minor DIY. There is no charge for this service. Telephone 0818 919411. For more information please see notice on noticeboard in the front of the church.


Millbank Theatre

millbank-theatreRush Dramatic Society will present the play “Two Sisters” by Caroline Hardy for one night only on Friday 21st October. This is their entry into the All Ireland One Act festival. The show is a black comedy. Also performing is Square One Drama Group from Bray

Rush Library

The exhibition area in Rush Library is available for groups or individual artists throughout the year. If you are interested in displaying your paintings, photography or artwork, please let us know. The space is available for two weeks at a time and a charge of €10 applies per exhibition. We have some availability before Christmas i.e. 17th – 28th October and 28th November – 2nd December. Please contact the library for more information on 8708414.

Loughshinny and Rush Historical Society

The Society are proud to present A Talk by PADDY BOYLE entitled “RUSH VOLUNTEERS IN THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE” in the Strand Bar, Rush, Co. Dublin on Thurs 27th October at 8.00 p.m. sharp. All welcome.

Presentation to Fr. Peter

ThankYou (1)The Parish Pastoral Council are organizing a presentation for Fr. Peter in appreciation of the work he carried out during his time here in Rush, and a small token for Fr. Richard, Fr. Paul and Fr. Clinton for all their help & support during Fr. Peter’s illness. If you would like to donate, collection boxes will be placed at the back of the Church on Sat & Sun 29/30th October. Thank you.

Skerries Lifeboat RNLI

Skerries Lifeboat would like to sincerely thank all those who volunteered as collectors and those who gave so generously on our flag day October 1st. We raised €3,500.


Are you overburdened and tired? Come and take part in a prayerful stress management and relaxation workshop Saturday 22nd or Wednesday 26th of October. Contact 0868294785 for more information.