
Crosscare-logoThis year’s collection takes place this weekend of the 17th and 18th September in place of the share collection. Our services depend heavily on the funds generated at the collection particularly in these tough economic times. Your contribution is greatly appreciated


Welcome Little Ones


We welcome Frankie James McKenna, Darragh Brendan Murphy Rock and Jacob Ben Warren who were baptised last weekend.


with sympathy


We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Jack McGuinness who passed this week. May he rest in peace.

Parish Shop

parishofficeOpening Hours Tue/Wed/Thur 9am – 1.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri.
Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include telephone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post-box by 12pm on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving Envelope Collection

The Envelope collection for Sunday 4th and Sunday 11th September amounted to €1910. Thank you for your generosity.


Rush National School: Cash for Clobber

The Rush National School Cash for Clobber (Clothes Collection) will be on Thursday 29th September. Bags can be left at the school gate from 8.30a.m until 10.30a.m.



Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.

Confession Times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.


Legion of Mary Annual Pilgrimage

The Legion of Mary Annual Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, takes place Sunday 25th September. The Bus will leave Skerries Church at 7am. Pick up at Eurospar Rush at 7.15am. Contact Lorraine 087-6203317.


Child Safeguarding Training

The Parish Pastoral Council and The Child Safeguarding Officers have organised Child Safeguarding Training on Monday 17th and Monday 24th of October from 7pm to 9:30pm.

The training is split over two evenings and it is mandatory that Parish Clergy, Parish Staff, Sacristans, Safeguarding Reps, Volunteers who work directly or indirectly with children and the Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council attend both evenings.


Women on the Verge of HRT

This hilarious comedy will be playing at the Mill Bank Theatre. Tickets available for Charity night in aid of Lusk Twinning on Wednesday 21st Sept at 8.30pm. Tickets 15.00 euro. Concessions 12.00 Euro. Phone 8437475

Basic English Conversation Classes (Failte Isteach)

All are welcome and all levels are provided for. €2 per class. Friendly volunteer tutors. Tuesday mornings from September 20th, 10am to 12 noon. At Martin’s Shop (Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility) Channel Road Rush. Beside Rush National School. For more information please contact Caragh at 01 – 8439349.


Yoga Friday

Yoga Friday kicks off from 11am – 12.30pm, Loughshinny Community Hall. Enrolment Tuesday 20th September 7pm – 8pm. Cost €30 for 8 weeks.


Rinceoil Fingal

Registration for new term of classes in Accordian, Bodhran, Fiddle, guitar and whistle on Monday 19th September at 7.30pm in Rush Multi-purpose facility (Martins Shop) opposite Rush National School. Also Adult Set Dancing and Sean Nos Dancing form Monday 26th September. For more information contact Paul on 087 2308546 or Marie on 086 8606801.


Weeks of Guided Prayer

Weeks of Guided Prayer are being offered this year to Parish Groupings.  This way of making a retreat can help people to experience the gospel speaking to them in their everyday lives.  A week of guided prayer can nourish the faith of the individual and help build faith communities.  Some weeks during the month of October are available on a first come basis.  To find out more contact Sr Éibhlís NicUaithuas DC in the Office for Evangelisation and Ecumenism  Tel 01 8087550 or email


Loughshinny & Rush Historical Society

A ten week course on the period between “The Rising and the War of Independence” will commence on Saturday 24th Sept. 2016 from 12.00 noon to 2.00 p.m. in the Black Raven Pub Skerries at €50 per person. Further information Text Sean at 087 9549 700 or email for further details.


Vamos Learning Languages – Spanish/French language classes for 3-12 year olds using the award
winning La Jolie Ronde program will commence the week beginning 7th November. To register your child or for information email


Scoil Rince Fingal

Irish dancing classes are being held every Monday evening in Rush Community Centre. Beginners 6.00pm – 7.00pm.  Seniors from 7.00pm-8.00pm.  Classes in St Catherine's NS every Wednesday from 2.45pm – 3.45pm. For more information please contact Margaret Harford TCRG @ 0863101170 or Elizabeth Finnegan @ 0863104908

Skerries Lifeboat Flag Day

RNLI-Lifeboats_rdax_75Volunteer collectors are urgently needed to give 2 hours to collect at Tesco or Eurospar on Saturday 1 st October. Please contact Jan on 8437597 or 0868294785. All money raised will go to help the Lifeboat save lives at sea.