Back to School Prayers

Back to School Prayers are available at the back of the church for parishioners to take and pray with their families.

A Parent’s First Day Of School Prayer

I wonder what you’re doing now,
And if everyone is treating you kind
I hope there is a special person,
A nice friend that you can find.
I wonder if you are thinking about me,
And if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice,
And how you give my leg a tug.
I wonder if you could possibly understand,
How hard it is for me to let you grow
On this day know that my heart breaks,
For this is the first step in letting you go!

Blessing of Schoolbags

The Blessing of Schoolbags will take place at all Masses at the weekend of September 10th /11th.


World Youth Day

Krakow2016_WebLogoWe hope to have some of the local parishioners who attended World Youth Day will briefly speak at all Masses at the weekend of September 10th /11th.

Saying Masses

Fr. Clinton will be saying his last Masses of the Summer on September 3rd, 4th and 5th. We thank him very much for his great contribution.

Fr. Peter will say Masses here on September 10th & 11th.

Fr. Kevin Barterly will say his first Mass here on Thursday September 15th at 9am.

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

We wish our Parishioners who are going to Lourdes on the Parish Pilgrimage a safe journey as they leave Rush on Friday September 2nd and return 5 days later. We hope they will pray for the parishes’ intentions at the Grotto of Our Lady.


Parish Shop

parishofficeOpening Hours Tue/Wed/Thur 9am – 1.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri.
Any Daily Mass Intentions left in please also include telephone number. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post-box by 12pm on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you.


Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.



We welcome Luke Alan Spain who was baptised last Saturday.


Planned Giving Envelope Collection 21st AugustPlanned Giving

Envelope collection last Sunday amounted to €1,115.. Thank you for your generosity.


Confession times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.


Alliance of Two Hearts

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Friday 2nd September commencing with Mass of the Sacred Heart at 8pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until midnight Mass and recommence after Mass until 3a.m. There will be Rosary, Confession, Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Nine Offices of the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please join us for all or part of the Vigil.


Child Safeguarding Training

The Parish Pastoral Council and The Child Safeguarding Officers have organised Child Safeguarding Training on Monday 17th and Monday 24th of October from 7pm to 9:30pm.

The training is split over two evenings and it is mandatory that Parish Clergy, Parish Staff, Sacristans, Safeguarding Reps, Volunteers who work directly or indirectly with children and the Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council attend both evenings.


Society of St. Vincent De Paul

St-vincent-de-Paul-logo2Vincent de Paul Education Bursary, Dublin Region are making a limited number of bursaries available for higher education and training. Please contact St. Maur’s Conference of St.Vincent de Paul by text or voicemail: 087-2137665. Closing date is mid-September.


Julian Prayer Group:

Julian Prayer Group meetings resume on Tuesday, Sept 6th, in Meeting Room behind the sacristy julian groupafter 9am Mass. These meetings provide an opportunity to reflect on Readings from Scripture and to share in prayer together. All welcome.


Liturgy of the Word

A new roster for Readers for the weekend Masses from August 27th /28th to October 15th/16th is now posted on the Parish Information Board.


Lusk Community Unit

Calling all pooches to join our dog walk on Sunday September 11th between 3pm and 4pm. Entry fee €5. Residence of the unit look forward to your visit and joining them for some light refreshments following the walk. There’s even a chance to win a “Spot Prize.”


Spirituality and Human Development Course

The Marino Institute of Education has been offering a programme in Spirituality and Human Development for several years. This Adult Education Certificate is an inspiring and life changing programme open to all regardless of formal educational background. It is a two-year part-time course which takes place on Tuesday evenings and six Saturdays throughout the year. There will be ten modules and six workshops (see under Education Courses for further
details). This programme begins on 20 September 2016. For further information, contact Mary
at or at 087 450 8549

Rush Musical Society

Rush Musical Society logoThe Rush Musical Society will be holding a Launch night on Wednesday the 31st of August at 8p.m. in the Station House Rush (former Garda station) where details of their 2016/17 season will be announced. The society are staging The “Hot Mikado” in March 2017 with current members and New members welcome to come along on the night. Contact or (086) 1956718 for further details.


Balbriggan and District Horticultural Society

The Balbriggan and District Horticultural Society annual flower show is on Sunday September 6th. Exhibits to be staged before 11.30a.m. Open to the public 2.30p.m. to 5p.m. in Balbriggan Community College, Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Admission €3.


Skerries Lifeboat RNLI

RNLI-Lifeboats_rdax_75The Skerries Lifeboard RNLI are having a fundraising flag day on October 1st and need volunteers who can help us with the collection. If you can spare 1 or 2 hours on that day, please contact Jan on 0868294785.