Parish Shop
Opening Hours are Tue/Wed/Thur 9a.m. – 1p.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri.
Any Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any keyholders of the church please leave your name into the office. Thank you. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post-box by 12pm on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection 29th May
The Envelope collection last Sunday amounted to €1,010. Thank you for your generosity.
Parish Events
Baptisms: We welcome Flin Christopher Casey who was baptised last weekend.
Congratulations to Janice Casey and Thomas Noone who got married this weekend.
Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Maria McNerney who passed away this week. May she rest in peace.
Rush Senior Citizens
The Rush Senior Citizens’ daytrip to Knock will take place on Saturday 18th June. Contact Kathleen O’Brien 087 6251019 for further information.
Blessing for Expectant Mothers
There will be a Blessing for Expectant Mothers on Wednesday June 15th at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.
Invitation from Jesus
Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm. Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.
Confession times
Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.
CF Beds for Beaumont Charity
The CF Beds for Beaumont Charity will gratefully receive the proceeds from the opening night of Rush Dramatic Society’s production of “Steele Magnolias” by Robert Harling, on Wednesday 8th June. Tickets €15, concessions €12. Please contact Maria at 0866052278. Good Luck to All.
Thank You
The Kenure 150 committee and parish members would like to thank all those who attended the concert on Sunday 22 nd May. Also a special thanks to Rush Cricket Club for their help and support.
Upcoming Events for June
- 11th Mass for the Blessing of the Sick & their families
- 15th Blessing for Expecting Mother’s & their families – CANCELLED)
- 26th Blessing of the Graves – Whitestown @ 3pm
- 26th Blessing of the Graves – Kenure @ 6pm
Irish Cancer Society’s Volunteer Driver Service Dublin
(Skerries, Balbriggan, Lusk, Clondalkin) is looking for volunteer drivers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments. We are looking for volunteers to pick patients up at their homes, drive them to the door of the hospital, pick them up again when they are finished their treatment and bring them home. Driver expenses are paid. Telephone Rebecca on 01 2316 642 or email
Anam Cara
Anam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 15th of June from 19:30 to 21:00 in Applewood Community Centre, Castleview Lawns/Bunbury Gate Road, Swords, Co. Dublin. Anam Cara will be taking a break over the Summer, the next event will be a bereavement information evening on Wednesday 21st of September. All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents . For further information please see our website at email us at or call 01 4045378.
World Youth Day Fundraising Music Night:
There will be a World Youth Day Fundraising Music Night with music by local bands Jackdaw and Pat Sheridan in The Strand Bar on Friday June 10th from 8.30p.m. All welcome for a great night of music.
Study Liturgy
Study Liturgy at the National Centre for Liturgy St Patrick’s College, Manoah, Co. Kildare
Courses begin 19 September 2016, the courses will be Diploma, Higher Diploma and Masters provide training for those who wish to prepare for parish ministry, and who may be called
upon to undertake roles of leadership and training in various pastoral contexts.visit: