Parish Shop

parishofficeOpening Hours are Tue/Wed/Thur 9a.m. – 1p.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri. Communion cards, Rosettes, Communion gift boxes, Communion pendants and Communion missals now available. Any Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any keyholders of the church please leave your name into the office. Thank you. Any Intentions for weekend Masses need to be left into the office or post-box by 12pm on Thursday to be included in Altar list. Thank you.




Planned Giving Envelope Collection 8th MayPlanned Giving

The Envelope collection last Sunday amounted to €1,275. Thank you for your generosity.




We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of Pat Monks and Terry Doyle who passed away this week. May they rest in peace.




We would like to welcome Saoirse May Healy and Jayda Isabelle Felius who were baptised last weekend.



Congratulations to the boys and girls from Gael Scoil Ros Eo who made their Holy Communion on Saturday.



CROSSCARE Youth Services

The Annual Collections for CROSSCARE Youth Services-Social Support Agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin will be at all Masses this weekend 14th/15th May 2016. It will replace the normal SHARE Collection. CROSSCARE provide a wide range of focused supports and programmes aimed at empowering people to achieve their own potential. Their work is person centred, rights based on supports peer led initiatives that give people the power to make changes in their own lives. For more information contact Olivia 01 8360011 or




Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.  Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.




St. Vincent De Paul Clothing AppealThankYou (1)

Society of St. Vincent De Paul would like to thank you for your co-operation with our Annual Church Gate Clothing Appeal in 2016. This year once again the generosity of the people has proved outstanding. Thank you for your continued support.




Confession times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.




Anam Cara

Anam CaraAnam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday May 18th from 19:30 to 21:00 in Applewood Community Centre, Castleview Lawns/Bunbury Gate Road, Swords, Co. Dublin. Anam Cara
Services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents. For further information please see our website at email us at or call 01 4045378.



World Youth Day – Thank You

Our Young people from our Parish Youth Choir & St Joseph’s Secondary school travelling to the World Youth Celebrations would like to sincerely Thank You for your support at their recent bake sale. A special word of thanks to the Parish Council and all the bakers. Also a special Thank You to the Millbank Theatre for the use of their facility for the Variety Concert. To Donal Hurley for his hospitality on the day and to all those who donated spot prizes for the



St Catherine’s N.S

St Catherine's NSSt Catherine’s NS, Kenure is holding an inter-schools Choral Evening on Thursday May 19th.  It will feature choirs from 4 schools in the Fingal area (and perhaps a visiting adults’ choir) and should be a wonderful celebration of music and choral singing in St Catherine’s.  Present for the evening will be the renowned conductor Alan Leech, who will conduct an open workshop with the different choirs. The event commences with a general welcome and tea and coffee at 6:30p.m.  The music will commence at 7:00p.m. The event is sponsored by Fingal County Council.  Admission is €5, with proceeds going to the school fund.



Lost and Found

Pearl bracelet found in the church after confirmation mass on Saturday 23rd April. Please contact the office if this belongs to you.




Rush Horticultural Society

The Annual plant sale will take place on Saturday 28th May outside Rush Community Centre from 8a.m. to 2p.m. Please support as this is a fundraiser for this year’s show which is on July 9th in St Maur’s GAA Club.




St Oliver’s Camino Walk Drogheda

The Annual Knights of St Columbanus St Oliver’s Walk, visiting seven beautiful churches in Drogheda, will be held on both Friday May 27th and Saturday May 28th. The Camino style walk starts from Our Lady of Lourdes Church and follows a 3.2km route finishing at St. Peter’s Church where the National Shrine of St Oliver Plunkett is located. Walkers can complete the walk at their own pace or even over the two days and they will get their Camino style passport stamped at each church. Full details on


Fingal Public Participation Network

Plenary and Community Information Expo, Saturday May 21st 2016 (9.30a.m. to 1.30p.m.). The RIASC Centre, Feltrim Road, Swords (next to Swords Enterprise park). Only FPPN Member groups are permitted to attend. For more information on registering to attend the Plenary or becoming a member of Fingal Public Participation Network, please contact or 087 7987929


Please Don’t!

Note: Please refrain from having chewing gum in the church as the cleaners on occasion are having to remove this from under the seats. Thank you.