Parish ShopParish Shop

Opening Hours are Tue/Wed/Thur 9a.m. – 1p.m. Shop closed Mon and Fri.  Confirmation and Communion cards now available. Rosettes, Communion gift boxes, Communion pendants, Communion and Confirmation missals etc also available. Any Mass Intentions left in please also include phone number. Any keyholders of the church please leave your name into the office. Thank you.


Planned Giving Envelope Collection 10th AprilPlanned Giving

The Envelope collection last Sunday amounted to €1,115. Thank you for your generosity.



We would like to welcome William Thomas Ryan, Clodagh Mary Theresa Murphy, Roisin Louise Fay, Audriya Leah Rodjukova, Daniel Strods and Richard Strods who were baptised last weekend.



Congratulations to the boys and girls from St.Brendan’s and St. Catherine’s National Schools who made their confirmation on Thursday.



The wife and family of the late Shaun Ghee (SHAUNGEE) wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their sad loss, also those who called to the house, sent mass cards and attended his funeral and helped in any way especially Dr. Mulholland and the staff of St. Francis Hospice.


Confession times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.


Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.  Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.


Vocations Sunday

The Collection for the for the priesthood for our Diocese takes place this Sunday 17th April and replaces the share Collection. Vocations Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to promote and pray for vocations in our Church.  It is vitally important to support each response to the call of vocation and to make sure that each kind of vocation is encouraged as a viable and worthwhile option for people.


SVP monthly collection

SVP monthly collection will take place at all Masses next weekend 23 /24 April. Last month’s Sunshine fund collection amounted to €1,295. Many thanks. Our thanks also to Rush senior citizens And to St Joseph’s school for their generous gifts of food at Easter.


Special Mass at St. MacCullins Church

St. MacCullins Church Lusk on Sunday, 24th April at 10am a special Mass will be celebrated for all those who are buried in both graveyards of Lusk, who took part in the 1916 rising.  After Mass, there will be a wreath laying ceremony.


Hanging Baskets for Rush

Please donate what you can or sponsor a basket for your family or business. For more information contact Debbie or Caragh in Rush Community Centre. Phone: 8439349, Facebook:Rush Community Council


Irish Blood Transfusion Board

The opportunity to give blood will arise at St. Maur’s GAA Centre, logo-give-bloodMonday 18th April 2016, 4.30pm – 8.00pm. It is important that we all remember that many patients in hospitals need our blood and this need never ceases.


St. Vincent De Paul Clothing Appeal

The Society is seeking your help with our annual appeal for second-hand clothing. The appeal is for clean, good quality clothes, bedclothes, curtains, shoes etc. There will be bags available outside the church on 30th April and 1st May.


St Peregrine Healing Mass

A Healing Mass in honour of St Peregrine, Patron Saint for cancer patients  will take place in St Patrick’s Church Skerries on Monday, 25th April & 7.30pm.The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during Holy Mass, followed with a Blessing with the relic of St Peregrine. All


Blessing for Expectant Mothers

A special for Expectant Mothers will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 8.00pm in Our Lady of Mercy Church, Artane.  If you are pregnant, we would love to see you there.  If you need any further information contact:  Kathleen: 8310917 or Eileen: 8319617.  All are welcome.


The Bethany Group

Bethany trained members are available to provide support to those grieving after the loss of a loved one. The Group meet on the second and last Monday of every month from 7.30pm at the Parish Office, Parochial House, Seatown Road, Swords. This is a free, confidential service. Contact Terri 8403243, Brid 086 6006397 or Mary 8402652. Open to all Fingal residents. You are most welcome to attend.


Special Appeal for Ukraine

pope francisPope Francis has launched a special appeal for humanitarian aid for Ukraine. “I think in Europe of the tragedy of those who are suffering the consequences of violence in Ukraine: of those who remain in lands shocked by the hostilities which have already caused thousands of deaths, and of those – over a million – forced to flee from the grave situation which is ongoing. It involves above all elderly people and children. Besides accompanying them with my constant thoughts and with my prayers, I have decided to promote humanitarian support in their favour. For this purpose, a special collection will be taken up in all Catholic Churches in Europe on Sunday, 24 April. On next weekend 50% of the ordinary SHARE Collection will be donated to the Pope’s appeal, and I ask for your generosity.”