YEAR OF MERCY: 24 Hours for The Lord
Parishioners are warmly invited by Pope Francis to participate as parishes open the doors of their church for 24 hours for a period of continuous Eucharistic Adoration with the availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Here in St. Maur’s the 24 hours begins with a Service of Reconciliation on Friday 4th March @ 7.30 p.m. after which there will be continuous Adoration through the night and during Saturday 5th March. The 24 hours will conclude with the 6pm Vigil Mass
Year of Mercy 24 Hour Prayer Vigil 4th & 5th March |
8pm – 5am | Mass 8pm followed by the usual First Friday Vigil in honour of the Sacred Heart. Mass at Midnight to Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confessions will be available after 8pm Mass. |
5am | Legion of Mary |
6am | Quiet Time Adoration |
7am | Parish Pastoral Council |
8am | Quiet Time Adoration |
9am | Rosary Group |
10am | Quiet Time Adoration |
11am | Franciscan Sisters |
12pm | Quiet Time Adoration |
1pm | Baptism Group |
2pm | Quiet Time Adoration |
3pm | Stations of the Cross |
4pm | Quiet Time Adoration |
5pm | Readers/Eucharist Ministers |
6pm | Quiet Time Adoration |
7pm | Legion of Mary |
8pm | Vigil Mass |
Planned Giving Envelope Collection 21st February
The amount collected last Sunday in the envelope collection amounted to €995.00. Thank you for your generosity.
Confession times
Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.
Invitation from Jesus
Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm. Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.
Eucharistic Adoration Every Sunday of Lent from 2pm – 5pm. All are welcome.
Do This in Memory Programme
The Do This in Memory Programme will take place at Mass Sunday 6th March @ 11.30am. Preparation meeting on Tuesday 1st March @ 8pm in Church and Pre-Confirmation Mass on Sat 12th March @ 7pm
Emmanuel 2016
Book now for the Emmanuel Concerts – 29th Feb, 1st,2nd and 3rd March at the Helix (Tel 7007000/ 62 schools and 2400 students over four nights singing liturgical music. St. Joseph’s School Choir from our own parish will be singing on Thursday March 3rd. Support your local school – see
Community Employment Vacancy
Office Administrator, Cricket Coach, Caretaker/Cleaner, Ref GAA Coach, Caretaker. Please contact your local Employment Services/Intreo office.These vacancies can be viewed on Closing date 11/03/16.
The Julian Prayer Group
The Julian Prayer Group: On Tues March 1st , the Julian Prayer Group will lead the Confirmation pupils of Iníon Síle Ní Rabhartaigh’s 5th and 6th classes, Gaelscoil Ros Eo, in a day of Reflection.
St. Vincent de Paul
Monthly collection will take place at all Masses this weekend. Last month’s collection was €1350. Sincere thanks to Dermot & Maeve McEvoy from Loughshinny who raised €3266 for SVP at a recent function in the Yacht Bar.
Events in Rush Library
1916 Centenary Lectures – Thomas Earls Fitzgerald Tuesday 1st March 2016 6.30pm Rush Library. Reaction and Experience of the 1916 Rising, a comparison of the various idealistic reactions to the Rising to the rather brutal and more mundane ground-level experience. Please contact the library for more information on 8708414.