AccordThe annual collection of ACCORD, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will be made at all masses this weekend. It is with your help that we have been able for over 40 years to support couples experiencing difficulties in their journey through married life by providing marriage and relationship counselling. ACCORD has over 90 professionally trained counsellors working in 11 different centres around the archdiocese. Demand for this service continues to be high. In 2015 over 2,000 people sought the help of ACCORD. We need to continue and indeed enhance this service so again I come to you for help and support.


Parish Shop

The opening hours for the Parish Shop are 9am – 1pm.   just In the Parish Office you can: book an Anniversary Mass, get a Mass card, register for baptism preparation, find out more about getting married in our Parish, register for our weekly Planned Giving Envelopes, order Letters of Freedom, Baptism Certificates, Marriage Certificates or make an appointment to see a member of the Parish Team.



Planned Giving Envelope Collection 14th February

The amount collected last Sunday in the envelope collection amounted to €1,315.00.. Thank you for your generosity.



Confession times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.



Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.  Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.



Eucharistic Adoration Every Sunday of Lent from 2pm – 5pm. All are welcome.



Lourdes Pilgrimage 2016

A parish pilgrimage will travel to Lourdes this year from 2nd to 7th September. Cost is €729pps.
Booking Forms are available from the Parish Office, or contact any committee member. Further details are available on the noticeboard in the main Church porch



Dementia Coping Skills for Families and Carerslogo_340x156

The Dementia Elevator Programme based at DCU offers free dementia training programmes which aim to provide carers with a range of skills which will enable them to support the person with dementia in their care, and to help them live well in their homes for longer. To find out more about the project and the training programmes see / tel 01 700 6190.



logo-give-bloodBlood Transfusion Service

Blood Transfusion Service will be at ST. Maur’s GAA Centre from 4.30p.m. – 8.00p.m. on Mon 22nd.



Community Employment Vacancy

Reference 1010836 Office Administrator – Rush Community Centre. You must be eligible to apply. Please contact your local employment Services/ Intreo office quoting the number of the position. The vacancy can be viewed on



The Julian Prayer Group

On Tuesday February 23rd, The Julian Prayer Group will lead the Confirmation pupils of Ms. M. Prendergast’s 6th class, Rush N.S., in a Day of Reflection.



St. Vincent de Paul

St-vincent-de-Paul-logo2Monthly collection will take place at all Masses next weekend 27th /28th February.  Last month’s collection amounted to €1350.  We would also like to sincerely thank Dermot and Maeve Mac Evoy from Loughshinny who raised €3266 for SVP at a recent function in the Yacht Bar. Many thanks.



Ros Éo Community Pre-School – Enrolling for September 2016

Due to budget 2016 Ros Éo community pre-school have additional pre-school places to offer. We offer two schemes ECCE (free year) & CCS (available to social welfare recipients). We have great staff ratios and an excellent team of highly qualified staff. We are located in Rush Community Centre, drop in to view our excellent facility. To enrol contact Debbie on 8954434, email or message our Facebook page.



Volunteers for Lourdes

  1. Group of Volunteers are required to work with Hospitalite Notre Dame de Lourdes 16th to 23rd July and 5th to 12th September. Limited number of places. Please contact Liz at 087-1926346 or
  2. YOUTH4LOURDES. 18-30 year olds. Travelling to Lourdes 16th-23rd July. Limited number of places. Please contact Liz: 087-1926346 or email



Emmanuel 2016

Book now for the Emmanuel Concerts – 29th February /1st,2nd and 3rd March at the Helix (Tel 01
7007000 or – 62 schools – and 2400 students over four nights singing liturgical music. St. Joseph’s School Choir from our own parish will be singing on Thursday March 3rd. Support your local school – see our website for details