The annual collection of ACCORD, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will be made at all masses this weekend. The collection for ACCORD will replace the usual share collection. ACCORD Dublin throughout the Diocese offers: Marriage Preparation Courses, Counselling for couples and individuals experiencing difficulties in their relationships, A Relationship and Sexuality Programme in Schools. ACCORD Dublin needs your support. Please give generously.
Parish Shop
The opening hours for the Parish Shop are 9am – 1pm. just In the Parish Office you can: book an Anniversary Mass, get a Mass card, register for baptism preparation, find out more about getting married in our Parish, register for our weekly Planned Giving Envelopes, order Letters of Freedom, Baptism Certificates, Marriage Certificates or make an appointment to see a member of the Parish Team.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection 7th February
The amount collected last Sunday in the envelope collection amounted to €1310.00. Thank you for your generosity.
Confession times
Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.
Invitation from Jesus
Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm. Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.
Eucharistic Adoration Every Sunday of Lent from 2pm – 5pm. All are welcome.
Children’s Liturgy
The Children’s Liturgy starts back Sunday 14th February at 11.30am Mass. The team would love to have some new members to help with the children. It is a very rewarding and fulfilling ministry. Anyone who thinks they may be interested can contact any of the team after 11.30 mass on Sunday.
Divine Mercy Conference
The Divine Mercy Conference takes place in RDS Ballsbridge, Saturday 20th February. Legion of Mary bus leaves Skerries 7.15a.m. and Rush 7.30a.m. Ring 087 4177971
Lourdes Pilgrimage 2016
A parish pilgrimage will travel to Lourdes this year from 2nd to 7th September. Cost is €729pps. Booking Forms are available from the Parish Office, or contact any committee member.
Further details are available on the noticeboard in the main Church porch
Acknowledgement: William (Billy) Smith
Kathleen and her daughters Paula, Orla and Kathryn, grandchildren, brother and extended family will always remember with gratitude your support and kind expression of sympathy on the very sad loss of William (Billy). The outpouring of your love in Mass cards and visits to my home was so uplifting but too numerous to thank you all individually. A special thanks to Fr. Paul, Ingrid, Lannon’s funeral home and St. Maur’s guard of honour. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your Intentions.
World Youth Day Fund Raising Evening
As you may know by now six members of St Maur’s Youth Choir will be travelling to Krakow, Poland in July for World Youth Day with the Holy Father Pope Francis. As part of the fundraising drive to finance the trip our next fundraiser will be a Table Quiz in The Strand Bar on 18th February at 8.30pm and everyone is welcome!
Balbriggan and District Horticultural Society
Garden talk on Herbaceous perennial flowers and grasses by John Lord ( owner of Ratoath Garden Centre) in the Scouts Den, Market Green, Balbriggan (beside lidl) at 8.30 on Thursday the 18th February. For more information Tel 087 7520506.
The Julian Prayer Group
On Tuesday February 16th, the Julian Prayer Group will lead the Confirmation pupils of Ms. E. Emma Byrne’s 6th class, St. Brendan’s N.S. Loughshinny, in a Day of Reflection.
Anam Cara
Anam Cara is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday 17th of February from 19:30 to 21:30 in Applewood Community Centre, Castleview Lawns/ Bunbury Gate Road, Swords, Co Dublin. The guest speaker for the evening is Peter Mc Cartan. All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents. RSVP required to before Tuesday, 16th February or call us 01 4045378.
Dementia Coping Skills for Families and Carers
The Dementia Elevator Programme based at DCU offers free dementia training programmes which aim to provide carers with a range of skills which will enable them to support the person with dementia in their care, and to help them live well in their homes for longer. To find out more about the project and the training programmes see / tel 01 700 6190
Blood Transfusion Service
Blood Transfusion Service will be at ST. Maur’s GAA Centre from 4.30p.m. – 8.00p.m. on Mon 22nd