Parish Bulletin 20th December 2015

Christmas Mass Times Christmas Mass times now available on the printouts at the entrances to the church or click to view.   Parish Shop The opening hours for the Parish Shop are 9am – 1pm.  This year we have Rush Parish Christmas Cards at just €1 each and...

Bulletin 13th December 2015

Upcoming Events Sunday December 13th Opening of the Holy Door in our church to mark the Holy year of Mercy. Rush Parish Carol Service will take place on Tuesday December 15th at 7:30p.m. Christmas Mass times now available on the printouts at the entrances to the...

Parish Bulletin 6th December 2015

Upcoming Events: Mass times Feast of the Immaculate Conception Monday December 7th at 7pm and December 8th at 10am. Penance Service for the Parishes of Rush, Lusk and Skerries will be held in Lusk Church at 7:30pm on Wednesday December 9th. The Extraordinary Jubilee...