Fr. Cullen’s Months Mind

On the occasion of Fr Seamus Cullen’s Month’s Mind, his family wishes to express deepest appreciation to Fr Seamus CullenFr.Peter O’Connor, Fr. Enda Cunningham and all the parishioners of St Maur’s for such a wonderful celebration of his life. “The kind words and stories related by many people at his funeral demonstrated a whole new range of qualities unknown to us. He was our third parent, always on hand with his guidance and wisdom. We thank you all sincerely – the wonderful choirs he loved, the schoolchildren, the boy scouts and girl guides and most of all, the many good friends he made during 21 years in his beloved Rush. The outpourings of your love in your mass cards and get well wishes earlier on were so uplifting but too numerous to thank you all individually. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your prayers and thoughts. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.”



Available at the Parish Office

This year we have Rush Parish Christmas Cards at just €1 each and signed Mass Christmas Cards available. In parishofficeaddition the office stocks Advent Calendars, scented Christmas candles, Snow globes, Children’s Bibles and many more gift items available. Don’t forget that by visiting the Parish Office you can: book an Anniversary Mass, get a Mass card, register for baptism preparation, find out more about getting married in our Parish, register for our weekly Planned Giving Envelopes, Order letters of Freedom, Baptism Certificates, Marriage Certificates or make an appointment to see a member of the Parish Team.


Planned Giving Envelopes

Thanks to all who have returned the cards from the box of envelopes. Could we ask Planned Givingthose who wish to remain anonymous to write this on the card and return it, as it’s required for control purposes. Perhaps we should mention, that those who open and count the weekly envelopes do not have access to the names of subscribers. As the envelope collection is the only source of income to the parish, boxes will be available for new subscribers on the tables beside the missalettes.

Planned Giving Envelope Collection 22nd November: The amount collected last Sunday in the envelope collection amounted to €1719.00. Thank you for your generosity.


Baptisms for Sunday 13th and 27th December

Preparation meeting on Wednesday 9th December at 7:30 p.m. Deadline for applications is Monday 7th December. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for more information.


The Julian Group

The Julian Group will conclude their Scripture Course with The Confirmation classes on Tuesday Dec. 1st. The Scripture reading will be Pentecost (Acts 2: verses 1-4).


Confession times

Confession times are at 6:30p.m. before Saturday evening Mass and on request.


St. Vincent De Paul

Monthly collection will take place at all Masses this weekend 28th/29th November.


The Children’s Liturgy

Childrens-liturgy-of-the-word-imageChildren’s Liturgy resumed last Sunday 8th November for Children aged 5 to 12 years. We would be delighted to see new children along with those who have attended previously.  Parents are welcome to accompany their children if they wish.  Any adults interested in becoming involved please contact the office or Sharon at 086 3884998. We would be delighted to see new faces.


Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.  Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.


Upcoming Events

  • Today we begin the season of Advent. The Advent Wreath is placed on the altar and our Advent Display is in the porch of the church.
  • Mass times Feast of the Immaculate Conception Monday December 7th at 7p.m. December 8th at 10am
  • Penance Service for the Parishes of Rush, Lusk and Skerries will be held in Lusk Church at 7:30p.m. on Wednesday December 9th.
  • The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy begins on December 8th.
  • Sunday December 13th Opening of the Holy Door in our church to mark the Holy year of Mercy.
  • Rush Parish Carol Service will take place on Tuesday December 15th at 7:30p.m.

Further information will be available next week.



The family of the late Robert Ludlow wish to thank everyone who sympathised with them on their recent sad loss. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up for all intentions.



Christmas Day Swim

Christmas Day swim is approaching – we would love you to participate or alternatively sponsor someone else -all proceeds to the Irish Cancer Society – Swim takes place at Rush Sailing Club, Rogerstown promptly at 11:30 a.m. on Christmas Day. For details contact 086 854 2220.


Mini Bingo and Wheel of Fortune

Christmas Novelty Mini-Bingo and Wheel of Fortune in Rush Sailing Club on Sunday 29th November @3p.m. All proceeds in aid of Rush Senior Citizens. All Welcome.


St Catherine’s National School Open Day

St Catherine’s National School Kenure will hold an Open Day on Thursday December 3rd from 10a.m. to 12:30p.m. This is a banner_aboutwonderful opportunity to come visit our school, meet the teachers and chat with the children. See our New School Building as it is being built, hear our marvellous Ukulele Orchestra and Choir, get a glimpse into children’s learning and lives. Hear why we have been awarded 6 Green Flags and why we are the only school in Ireland which has achieved 5 Creative Schools Awards and much, much more. We look forward to seeing you all on the day.