Untitled designEnvelope Sunday

The envelopes for the new planned giving year starting on 1st November, will be distributed this weekend in the porch way of the main entrance to the church. You are asked to remember your unique number that is on your existing envelopes, and to ensure that you collect a box with the same number this weekend. Your continued support to the financing of your church is much appreciated. If you wish to start contributing to Rush Parish funds please take an envelope box or standing order form this Sunday or from the Parish Office.



Annual Mass for the deceased of the Parish

Annual Mass for the deceased of the Parish: (Sat 31st October at 7p.m. Mass) Feast of All Saints.  November is a month in which the Christian community remembers those who have passed over from this earthly life into eternal life with God. Every year during November the parish community celebrates a special Mass in which we remember in our prayers all our loved ones who have died since this time last year. We invite you to join in celebrating Mass for our Faithful Departed and those who are bereaved on Saturday 31st October at 7pm.



November Altar List

The November Altar List of the dearly faithful departed will be available from the porches of the church from Monday. Completed lists will be placed at the Cross on the Altar during the month of November. An offering enclosed with the completed list is kindly accepted.



Mass over Bank Holiday

Bank Holiday Monday, daily mass will be at 10am.There will be ONE Mass on Saturdays in October/November at 7pm. There will be no 10am Mass. Confessions will be available at 6.30p.m on Sat evening.To all the schools who are off next week we wish them a happy break and a well earned rest.



Parish Office

The Parish Office will open only after mass on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th October. It will be open as normal Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  Opening hours are 9am – 1pm Mon – Fri. In the Parish Office you can book an anniversary mass, get a mass card, register for baptism preparation, find out more about getting married in our Parish, register for out weekly Planned Giving Envelopes, order letters of Freedom, Baptism Certificates, Marriage Certificates or make an appointment to see a member of the Parish Team.



Planned Giving Envelope Collection 18th October

Thanks for your contribution of €978 which will go towards your parish. The Crosscare collection in September amounted to €2,263 and Mission Sunday collection last weekend totalled €2,086 . Thank you for your kind generosity.



St Vincent De PaulSt-vincent-de-Paul-logo2

The St Vincent De Paul Monthly collection will take place at all masses this weekend 24/25 October.



Baptisms for Sunday 8th and 22nd November

Preparation meeting on Wednesday 4th November at 7.30 p.m. Deadline for applications is Tuesday 3rd November. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for more information.




St. Joseph’s Secondary SchoolSt_Josephs_Secondary_School

Every Monday at 11.15 the school run a programme called Friendly Faces for senior citizens. It’s for a chat, cup of tea, help with technology, music & arts & crafts



Rush Mens Shed Appeal

Do you have any unwanted woodworking tools for community projects. If so please contact Jim 086 3078947.





Blood Transfusion Service

The Blood Transfusion Service will be at St Maur’s GAA Centre from 4:30pm to 8pm on Tuesday 10th Nov.

Invitation from Jesus

Come adore the Lord in silent prayer all day Thursday from 7am – 10pm.  Would you like to commit to a set hour or be on a substitute list or just come along any time during the day to pray in silent adoration. Leave name, address and phone number in post box.




20151016041744Emigration Sunday

Emigration Prayer book containing the names of all those who we would like to remember in prayer from our parish whom are living abroad will be presented at all masses this Sunday. We thank parishioners for the very kind sentiments towards emigration Sunday.



Week day mass intentions are always welcome, please provide a telephone number when booking in a mass. Thank you.



Living with Loss

November is traditionally a month for remembrance. The Irish Hospice Foundation have organised an information evening for the public about bereavement with guest speaker Jane McKenna (founder of The LauraLynn Children’s Hospice Foundation).   This free public event aims to provide information about grief and the range of supports available to bereaved people.  The event takes place on Thursday 5th November, 5.30pm-8.00pm at the Alexander Hotel, 41-47 Fenian Street, Dublin 2.

The evening will open at 5.30pm with a formal introduction.  There will also be an opportunity to chat to voluntary bereavement support services about the supports they provide.   During the evening Jane McKenna will address the gathering and speak on the theme ‘Living with Loss’.




Irish Cancer Society Paint it Pink Campaign

A coffee morning in aid of the Irish Cancer Society’s Paint it Pint campaign will take place on Friday Oct 23rd in the Station House (Former Garda station) from 9.00-13.00